
Monday, September 23, 2013

The Difference Between GOP and the Democrat party

President Barrack Obama
Observations: The Republican party was more united when the Obamacare bill was brought before Congress by a president who never read it, and was passed in the house with the leadership of a Democrat House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, who never even read it. The thousands of pages of Obamacare is rigged with thousands of self-interest clauses that will come out to bite Americans in the butt. The real opposition to the Obamacare back in 2009 and 2010 weren't Republican congressmen/women but social conservative Democrats in the Congress. Some of them didn't want federal money goes toward "abortion" and other unintended consequences. The President's remedy to that was a total joke; first, he signed "executive order" banning federal money from going toward abortion which was a joke since the EO wasn't binding; secondly, they paid off the rest of those Democrat blue-dogs - giving them hundreds of millions of taxpayers money in exchange for their votes. As a result, the law was passed without even a single Republican vote. In all these negotiations, Republicans were shutout. Their ideas weren't even considered, nor were they allowed to express their views. Every negotiation leading up to the Obamacare vote, was hidden from the public view; no cameras was allowed, nor reporters. At the end, Democrats and some Republicans were thrown out of Congress in such an amazing display of voter disapproval of congressional leadership. But there was one thing you didn't see here; the internal blame game amongst Democrats who got the boots for this unpopular law - no internal fight against each other, instead they became more united than before. So now that the funding of Obamacare is being blocked by the House Republicans, instead of uniting to support the defunding effort since polls showed Americans don't want it, they started attacking each other. It is obvious the Democrats are more willing to unite under extreme circumstances, regardless of the threats they faced, as opposed to the Republican party.

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