One February morning 2007, Senator Barrack Hussein Obama announced his candidacy for the Democrat primary. He was virtually unknown except his appearance at the DNC in 2004, so no one took him seriously at this point. Americans never thought that this young man would rise to the top and topple the party favorite, Senate Hillary Clinton and secure the nominee of the party.
I monitored the 2007-2008 Democrat and GOP primaries with great interest. I was particularly interested in the rookie Illinois' senator, Senator Obama, because He was the least know of the candidates. Throughout out the race, he successfully avoided and diverted every question about his personal life, past dealings, and personal beliefs. This unknown senator defeated Biden, Dodd, Stevenson, Edward, Richardson, and Hillary; all prominent Democrats with long resume of public service.
How did he do it? I personally believe that he didn't do it on his own and my suspicion was right when I began reading the book - "Game Change". This book recounts the journey of the Democrat front contenders in the 2008 primary and the presidential campaign. It depicts Obama as a candidate created by the Democrat party and sold to the American people an agent of "Hope and Change" with the slogan - YES WE CAN! Where Obama fell short, the Democrat party took up for him, or helped him up. Where both Obama and the Democrat party failed, the media stepped in. A Democrat strategist explained why Obama defeated Clinton on CNN - Americans are just Clintoned-out. They were looking for a fresh start and Obama demonstrated he was capable for the job. Besides the party, the media decided that they must protect Senator Obama at all costs. After the election, a string of media correpondences were obtained by the conservative media through the 'freedom of information' Act, showing media people talking to each other on how to attack conservatives and Republicans that use the Jeremiah Wright (Obama's pastor) words against Senator Obama. Suffice to say that objective media committed suicide right then.
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GOP 08 Candidate, Sen. John McCain |
After defeating McCain in the popular vote and Electoral college, Obama continues to ignore the call to release his college records and birth certificate, sparking a gold-rush of independent bloggers, journalists, and lawyers rushing to unearth these documents. To everyone's amazement, they found little records and in some places, NO RECORDS at all of Obama. Investigators found no record of him either in Hawaii hospitals, nor in Occidental Collage (CA). No records of him in Harvard other than the fact that he went to school there, and little of him was discovered at the University of Chicago where he taught law. Investigators didn't find any single scholarly paper with his name on it during his tenure as head of the Law Review at Harvard. This lack of evidence fueled further the theory that Obama maybe have been attending college in USA as a foreign student. If Reagan, Bush, Kerry and McCain released theirs, what was Obama hiding. As his first year faded, the question over his legitimacy grew louder without a single beep from the president himself. The Democrat party, however, pushed back by leveling and personally attacking those who raised these important questions, calling racists and birthers. His refusal to come clean and do what his predecessors did gave the conservatives the impression that he is hiding something that may be damaging to his job. This notion gave birth to a number of conspiracy theories.
Obama the Socialist/Communist
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Jon Corzine, former CEO of Golman Sachs. He stole $2 billion of investors money. Obama called him a great guy. |
In his best selling book, "The Amateur", Edward Klein recalled his interview with Obama's employer at the University of Chicago. He recalled talking to Obama in Harvard, giving him a job to teach in Chicago. Obama told him that he was writing an autobiography, he later found out that Obama was writing his own book. This big-shot individual told Kelin that he never met a young men writing about his life, especially when there's a huge future facing him; why wouldn't he wait till he is old enough, racking up major accomplishments to brag about in writing? The question can only be answered by the argument that Gilbert laid out: Obama had to construct a persona in order to sell the American people. It is a theory but a plausible one.
Those who are familiar with Obama's past and political views, openly expressed their concerns. Obama's ambiguity and his refusal to address matters relating to his past associations and his plans for America, became a huge issue among political blogers but the media refused to ask questions. The public perception of Obama back home deteriorated, sending Democrats on red-alert; calling well meaning conservative reporters who wanted to see Obama's records racist and unAmerican. After a couple of years ducking the questions about himself, he released two electronic copies of his "supposed" birth certificate - the long and short forms. Experts, including Israeli computer scientists, claimed that these certificate (forms) were computer generated forms. Still, Obama's college record remains in the closet.
The Democrat party and the wild leftwing media between 2009-2012 launched a campaign to undermine any journalists questioning questioning the authenticity of Obama. Loud Dobb on CNN was axed for dedicating his CNN show on Obama and the issues of his birth. Union attacks on Fox News resulted in the axing of Conservative commentator and radio talkshow host, Glenn Beck, for linking Obama to the domestic terrorist gangs led by Bill Ayers although Obama didn't hide the fact that he and Ayers were best friends since arriving in Chicago. Author of the book "Suicide of a Superpower" (one of the best books I ever read) lost his guest-host daily appearance on MSNBC (a news organization dedicated to the protection of Obama) for writing about the issues of race and how racism is reversed and how America is committing suicide gradually.
But in all, it was a black man that initially argued that Obama was a communist. Alan Keys, a former diplomat made news when said that Obama a radical Communist that must be defeated. Mr. Keys said he had calling attention to Obama's communist ties in Chicago but no one seemed to care.
While the Democrat party and Obama supporters expressed outrage over the communist comments, Obama himself admitted (in his book) that he arrived in college a committed Marxist (communist). Below is an audio byte of Obama's "Dreams from my Father".
He wrote that while in college he carefully selected his friends and Marxist professors were among them. Why would Obama infuriated by something he openly admitted in his own book and public appearances? Obama and Prof Bell of Harvard (who taught that "racism" is not dead, and that white supremacy ought to be defeated) were best friends and videos are all over the place to prove it. This fact was swept under the table by the Democrat party and the media who demonizes anyone that dares to ask. There was a time in US history when communist sympathizers, or people who espoused communist philosophies, were treated as traitors to the Democratic ideologies that built America. Obama is the ONLY exception. Why?
His tour to Europe gave him little experience but the honor of discrediting America in foreign Arab lands. Unlike American leaders who stood up for the defense of America in foreign lands, Obama took the opportunity to trash America. He criticized America in France – a nation still soured by the US attack on Iraq, and Germany - a country that vetoed US Resolution for the invasion of Iraq in the United Nations Security Council repeatedly. His pre-election speeches in France and Germany rang throughout Europe that the bosses of the 'Nobel Peace price" decided to award him, why? This unprecedented move came back to haunt the organization. This peace price is given to people who impacted the world in unique ways that bring peace to the world. Obama's award was seen as an European bribe to ensure Obama is moving far far to the left. Off course, he didn't live up to the Nobel price's expectation.
This and his promise to “fundamentally transform America”, gave the American people that impression maybe Obama was going to flip America upside down. The conspiracy reached new heights as bloggers published documents after documents of Obama's past, many of them fraudulent. The conspiracy will not stop!
Transforming America
His first two years in office, president Obama took advantage of the recession to imposed some of the radical socialistic policies every instituted since the founding of America two centuries ago. His administration took over Chrysler, GM, and GE instead of letting them go through the normal bankruptcy process and emerge strong and competitive. To date, these corporations still owe the American taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. A bankruptcy strategy would mean a restructuring of the company under the federal protection, which would eventually save these corporations without owing the American people huge amount of dollars. And then he proposed higher taxes on the higher earners of society, many of them small businesses, and corporations that operated from retirement funds and pensions. Knowing this would impact his second bid (2012), Obama deferred it to 2013 (January) while extending the Bush taxcuts across the board. In all, president Obama made his promises come true by increasing changing the capitalist society into a government run economy. In just four years, he added $4 trillion to the US debt; a minimum of $1 trillion a year in reckless spending.
In a brilliant but obvious move, Obama deferred all tax increases to 2013 so that none of these increases impacted his reelection effort. The government take over of the healthcare system of this country, in itself, contains hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that will greet Americans as early as January, 2013.
The Golden Mean
One of the things I've learned while studying US politics, is the emphasis on so-called "Golden mean". The center of politics where Democrats and Republicans come together on very important issues, but it is rarely happened. A Democrat president governs from the left, and a Republican president governs from the right. But sometimes they move to the middle to negotiate. For instance, when Bill Clinton lost Congress to Republicans in his final term, he moved to the middle to work with the Republican congress to save the country. He understands that the negotiation process is what makes America the greatest nation in the world. Clinton declared the end to "big government" and "partisanship" and moved to the middle with his minority party.
Working together with the Republican congress, Clinton achieved great things. He was credited for the 24 million new jobs created. He lowered the number of Americans on welfare, and raising taxes that brought in revenue. He did all this by agreeing to reform welfare and lower spending. He worked with Congress to balance the budget and bring in revenue. He left the office with a huge surplus. These facts weren't mentioned in the Clinton's speech at the DNC 2012 in North Carolina, and never once brought up by Democrats who touted his success throughout the 2012 campaign trail.
Sadly, not Obama. He moved further and further to the left, even when he lost the House of Representative, making Hugo Chavez' government looking like a moderate socialist administration.
Taking Back of America
Most economists see America moving far far to the left like never before seen in US history. Off course, this is the man rated the most liberal of all Senators, having a perfect Liberal voting record in the State senate (Illinois) and the US Senate. But that is not the end of the story, the projection of the US debt in the next 10 years will be $20 trillion. Retrospectively, Clinton added $3 trillion in his eight years in office to the national debt, Bush added $5 trillion dollar to the debt in his eight years fighting against Terrorism. Obama, however, added $4 trillion dollar in just four years by taking taxpayers money and dump them on the lap of the auto industry, and green energy companies ran by his own bundlers (those who gave Obama millions to Obama's campaign in 2008) and the debt is growing every day. Obama also raised the debt ceiling in the middle of a huge economic strain, adding more money to the debt. As of today, the debt is $16 trillion.
He did exactly what he opposed during the Bush administration. He voted against every single debt ceiling effort and his explanations were quite stunning but telling. Now that he is president, somehow raising the debt-ceiling is part of everyone patriotic duty.
This is Obama at his best in 2008, accusing George W. Bush of raising the debt ceiling during economic hard times, leaving behind massive debts to future generations to pay. In this 2008 campaign stamp speech, Obama presented himself as a person who cares about the future of the American people. Yet, as president he had raised the debt ceiling a couple of times, allowing him to borrow more money to fuel his socialized healthcare law (ACA), his auto-bailout, bank and Wall Street -bailout, and many more government take-overs. The cost on the back of American children under Obama exceeds Bush's own debt. The projection is worrisome, but the president thinks its the right way to go.
As such, the Republican candidates and the Republican party threw a huge campaign to minimize this out of control spending, while calling for the return of fiscal sanity to Washington, D.C. Through its efforts, the Tea Party movement - an old tradition - began spreading throughout America, trying to force their elected officials to do the right thing. They took to the streets with the demands to respect the US constitution and the restoration of fiscal sanity. They also called and for the protection of the private sector from the far reaching tentacles of the Federal government. It was the first time in US history for such ideologies to branded extreme. The peaceful protest against the government's decision to introduce socialized healthcare system was also branded "racist" and "radical" by the Democrat party and Obama himself. For a year and a half, the Marxist Communist rallies in Washington, D.C was ignored. The violent protesters at Wall Street, NY, and Oakland, CA, who violently clashed with police officers, were called "patriots" and "heroes" by the Democrat party and the president himself.
In the midst of Democrat intimidation of peaceful Americans and the demonization of true patriots, and hardworking Americans, came Gov Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan with a new mantra that simply reflected the overwhelming desire of Americans - Liberal and Conservatives alike (Tea party) - to return America to normalcy. Taking back America from the socialist progressive agenda of the Democrat party became the theme and GOP for 2012. Sadly, it could not stand up to the massive union movement.
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