
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Renbel Needs a Ministry of Tourism

Rennell Bellona province doesn't have the kind of resources that big provinces in Solomon Islands have. The only three major resources Renbel has are Marine Resources, Tourism and Human-resources. We don't have any competitive fishing companies and the national government controls who should run fishing operations throughout Solomon Islands, and lacking financial capital is the biggest setback for our people. Fishing industry needs to be improved as well. We also need to improve the quality of our education and produce the kinds of specialized Tainas we need to compete in Solomon Islands and help develop our province. Sadly, education remains a family affair, however, tourism can be promoted.
If you look carefully at the Ministries of Renbel province; the Ministry of Works should be replaced with  a Ministry of Tourism. The Ministry of Works doesn't create jobs other than a being a burden to Renbel developments. It takes in money and doesn't return any.
The Member of Parliament and Renbel premier should work together to promote Renbel tourism. It also mean finding funds to fix the roads from Lavagu to Tegano and Tegano to Tigoa. Make the road economically viable so that business can be easily mobilized in Rennell Island especially.
Lake Tegano should be promoted and Tigoa should be developed. We need people to go to Renbel and spend money there so that the businesses and tourism industry are benefited.

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