
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Obama's Dilemma - the Syrian Chemical Attack

Remarks: President Barrack Obama is facing a huge dilemma, the kind of dilemma that George W. Bush faced in pursuing Al Qeada. In 2001 and 2003 when Bush was under so much pressure to hit back at the enemy and turned to Congress for their approval, then State Senator Obama was among state Democrats that lambasted him. In fact, in 2008, Senator Obama run on his opposition to the war against terror. Even as a US senator, Obama made it his mission to oppose President Bush in his pursuit of Al Qeada in many turns. Today, Obama just woke up to the reality of the president's obligations to the world and to his country's international interest. To back off, the country's conservative and international organizations, lobbyists, and allies such as Turkey, Israel, and Jordan will view this as an abandonment of the fragile region to the radical terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Iran to rule them, which would then sparked a global disaster. If Obama chose to hit Syrian armed forces, Obama will lose his base - the Liberal Democrats, some European countries, Russia etc. This is a dilemma president Obama underestimated since taking office in 2009. 
It is rumored that a US attack on Syria may come as early as Thursday, August 29, 2013. If this is true, the Democrats will be in a huge awkward position in selling their foreign policy to a weary nation come 2014 mid-term election. And Obama will have a hard time trying to convince the nation that he is the opposite of President Bush.

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