
Friday, August 16, 2013

Muslim Bloodbath shows the brutality of Islam

Remarks: The blood-bath in Egypt demonstrated one simple truth that the US media and government ignored for a long time and that is - Islam is one violent religion. The only religion to execute people at their end of their most sacred holiday, the Ramadan. World leaders who never lived in Muslim countries yet praised the religion of Islam as a peaceful, loving religion are doing so for political purposes. Deep down in their hearts, they know very well Islam and its adherents - Muslims - advocates everything the free world has been fighting against for decades. The recent events are signs that Egyptians want total chaos and anarchy in their own backyard and it is quite naive for the US to assume that money and political pressure could transform the people. If the people don't want peace, let anarchy cleanse them and purify their country for lasting peace. Every violent culture and political system needs violent resolution to completely wipe out the bad elements. It happened in Russia, Iran, and it happened in US during the civil war etc. US cannot assume that Eygptians want Democracy - they never lived in Democracy anyway and never experienced one. Look at Syria: The rebels who are supposed to be freedom fighters whom the US government claims want nothing but Democracy, beheaded their captured enemies, shot children in closed-range, raped and decapitate women, and sent suicide bombers to blow themselves up. How's that a role-model for upcoming promising Democratic movement? These people don't want what the West have or else they would have changed hundreds of years ago. They chose not for many reasons, they were born to their system, see violence all their lives; live and breathe violence and aren't afraid to fight and die.
The only solution is for the  Military to crack down on protestors, wipe out the protesting elements and let them solve their own dumb problems. The US and West cannot take side on this issue because Morsi is a dictator who rose to power under the guise of "Democracy" yet running Egypt with an authoritarian mentality. Let them fight to the death and hope they'll realized they have nothing to gain out of it. Maybe, by then, they'll lay their weapons down. Just some thoughts!

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