The left-wing media is doing the bidding for a bunch of Democrat elites who hate the military, hate the country, and hate Democracy. Well, the word 'hate' may be too harsh, but in many ways, this bunch is doing exactly that.
The Movie in Short
The movie 'The Lone Survivor' is the best way of ushering in 2014, in my view, the movie centers on the lives of four Navy Seals whose mission was compromised by refusing to kill herders who stumbled upon them and let them go straight back to the Taliban. The result was an ambushed which they couldn't get out of. These people fought to the death, but for one who lived to tell the horror of that day. His name is Marcus Luttrell. A broken leg, back and numerous injuries, Luttrell crawled until he found water, while he was drinking and washing himself, men from a village nearby came upon him. They took him in and cared for him. After a while, the US Navy Seals arrived at that village, killed the Taliban and rescued him. He was flown back to base, went through emergency surgery and was saved. Three others died on the mountain fighting off Taliban fighters hours earlier. In all, these four men killed so many Taliban fighters and fought bravely to their last breathe, refusing to be taken prisoners.
This movie brings to reality the battlefield and its ugliness. I guess it is easy to sit inside a quiet comfortable office in Washington D,C and criticize soldiers when they either shoot civilians or strayed from their designated mission. But the battlefield is no politics, it is ugly, its human against human, machine against machine. Morality is out the window, and death is a breath away.
The acting is amazing, the makeups and other experts did a marvelous job by bringing to life the deadly scene up of that mountain a couple of years ago to theater everywhere in US. Its realistic in nature.
Journalist Malpractice
I read online - after watching the movie - so many Liberal imbeciles trashing the military and the movie for humanization the war, making it to a blockbuster movie. Jake Tapper of CNN also expressed the same sentiments to the central figure of the movie - Luttrell. Calling the battle nothing but hopelessness didn't sit well with Luttrell because soldiers are trained fighters, they don't care about politics. They are trained to kill for the name of the country whether politics is wrong or not. It is disheartening to see people who hold certain political ideologies, failing to understand the principle behind a military calling.
When questioned about the role of the military, former head of the US Armed Forces and CIA, David Patreaus, responded, my duty is for the country and the US government, regardless of who's in power. That is the duty of the military that the Liberals, Democrats, and the extremely far left fools of the country will never understood. These are the same people who threw their medals away in protest against the Vietnam war, making ridiculous claims against US soldiers - most of them unfounded, and even attacked police officers in the process. The same people communist Vietnam thanked after they overran the Democratic government of South Vietnam and won the Vietnam war. Amazingly, the same people run for congress claiming to love the military. Notorious of this is Senator John Kerry who led the protest against US soldiers who risked their lives by order of their government during the Vietnam war. He later ran to be 'Commander in Chief' of the military he vehemently detested. The nationwide outcry against his role in tarnishing the military, resulted in his defeat in 2004.
In most cases, the lambasting of the US military is done on behalf of the Democrat party by the media itself. The reporting on the war, since 2003, was nothing but anti-Military, in an apparent attempt to poison the minds and hearts of the public against a war Democrat first supported and funded only to attack when things went out of control. It worked for President Obama who ran in 2008 as an anti-war candidates.
In this video, Jake Tapper of CNN didn't talk to Luttrell about his experience, what it meant to him, how he'd held it together, what his movie aimed to achieve, how he coped with life after the war, etc. He started out by spewing his guts out about the validity of the war, the so-called "helplessness" the soldiers faced on the battlefield. Luttrell shot back, we didn't feel that way, we were trained to fight and we did our job. But Tapper continued with his scripted remarks, telling Luttrell that he didn't want more soldiers to senselessly killed as if the interview is all about his feelings and views about the war. If he felt that way, there's no reason why he should interview the lone-survivor when he knows he didn't like that war and didn't want anyone to die. My first reaction is, why bother asking Luttrell to come in for an interview when you don't want spent all the time talking about your "own feelings" and "own political views" about this war? He is politicizing the whole movie, something the Leftwing media is good at!
In his closing remarks, as you would see in this movie, Tapper went on to explain that soldiers were dropped in those mountains without cover. That's a statement by a man who made a living by talking and by writing, and who knows nothing about military battle. What he didn't say is that Luttrell's team was a Reconnaissance team whose mission was to identify the man and take him out (kill) from those mountains and then head to the extraction point. This is a standard operation for what the military called 'High-Valued" targets. Tapper also didn't mention that the man they went after, killed 20 marines in various encounters; he was a ruthless Taliban man who killed both Afghans and US soldiers within his reach. Tapper didn't mention that these seals weren't without cover, they were within flying distance from Bagram Airbase, and that these soldiers descended from the Mt top and essentially out of range for both the secure radio and unsecured satellite phone. This fool also missed the fact that these guys mission was compromised and how things ended was never what the mission was about. He didn't mentioned that commanders at the airbase were anxiously waiting for calls so they could fly in and get them. That call came when Murphy fought his way up to the highest point, and made that call - which arrived at the base too late - but was also killed as a result.
So the portrayal of the movie and the truth of the mission by a leftwing, anti-war journalist did a terrible thing for viewers. He misled the viewers by focusing on the validity of the war, and its politics, instead of focusing on the story.
What we can learn
The seal recon-team. 3 on the left died on the mt. Luttrell (R) lived |
And it also shows a side of humanity that we often underestimated. I wrote about it in my previous editorials about the movie, but one worth repeating; that is - for an Afghan to take Luttrell to his home, fought off Taliban to protect him at all cost and the lives of his family and his fellow villagers, is unparalleled. You can't make this up! It demonstrated the good spirit embedded in human spirits that is often missing in the heat of battle, and it also gives us hope that in the midst of chaos, the best of human love and compassion can triumph.
Some shots
Luttrell and the man who saved him |
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