
Friday, January 10, 2014

Christie - You are lost your nuts!

Chris Christie
It becomes a norm in this country (USA) and any other Democratic countries in the world, for leaders who were caught doing something incredibly stupid, or illegal, to just simply apologize, shed tears and appeal for public's forgiveness. It happened to Bill Clinton when he lied to Congress, and it happened to President Obama when he lied about his relationship with his racist pastor, Rev Jeremiah Wright. In most cases, the public let go, but the damages never go away. Today, it's Republican Governor, Chris Christie's turn - he used his political power to harass his opponent, and the story only surfaced when an email got leaked to the press. Yesterday, he apologized profusely, and - like many other political figures caught with their pants down - came out with so many conflicting explanations. I don't buy his sorry-ass explanations regardless of how sincere he appears to be.
He should be manned up and take full responsibility and tell the public that yes he authorized the blockade of that road near his opponent's neighborhood. He should have the balls to say that it was a huge mistake and that he was just caught up with the hype of the moment and that he learned from that experience. There's a difference between leaking an information in an attempt to make amends, and being caught red-handed by a leaked email from external sources. We can only give the benefit of the doubt if Christie's camp leaked this email and other information related to this correspondence, in an attempt to settle things. That would have been seen as a sincere attempt by an honorable person to set the records straight. But that's not the case. It seems that the Christie team thought that such email would never see the light of the day. 
We all know public servants are not good liars. Take for instance the Obama administration handling of all the scandals he had faced in the past years. His impulse reaction was to lie to the media bout his pastor, but when more evidence surfaced, he held a speech in which he contradicted himself. And when numerous scandals emerged during his first term, his so-called 'public relations' experts claimed that Obama never knew things related to them; never heard nor authorized anything related to the scandals. Yet, he takes credits for basically everything that goes right in this country (US) and its relationships domestically and internationally. This culture of "bold denial" violates the very nature of his job. It assumes the the president - and the same applies to a governor - only receives good news and not bad ones. That is to assume that he is not privy to information about Terrorists since they are all bad news. But that is not the case either and nature of the office! A president, or a governor, receives both good and bad news, and is prone to making bad choices. All presidents - and governors - strive to make better decisions knowing that good results often overshadowed bad ones. 
As a governor, Christie is facing the same thing. Everything stops at his table as the head of the state of New Jersey. For that matter, it is impossible for him to not know what was going on at that time. He, like the president, is informed on both bad and good things inside the state. In fact, you cannot lead a state, or a country, by only receiving good news. That's impossible! 
So this scandal just essentially killed Christies' chances of running for  the office of president of United States in 2016. Yes, his possible opponent, Hillary Clinton, is also facing strings of scandal of her own, but you don't jump into a fight with one broken arm. Chances are, you'll get beaten up. 
As a conservative, I think voters should not be fooled by the harsh, bully attitude of Christie, or led to believe that his tough attitude would be good for America. What this country need on the right is a leader who embraces people with confidence and humility, and one that stands up and holds his head up. Someone with moral integrity. For Christie, bullying his opponent and then lied about it when emails leaked to the press, is not going to work for the country! 

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