
Monday, June 17, 2013

The US to arm Syrian cannibals

Cannibal Rebel Comm. in Syria eating his enemy's heart
The picture of a Syrian rebel commander cutting out the heart and liver of a dead Syrian soldier he and his comrades killed and ate them grossed the crap out of me - why the hell is US planning to arm these insane, savage, extremist cannibals? The insane Senator John McCain and creepy Senator Lindsay Graham - both Republicans - never present any thing factual in their quest to arm the Syrian rebels, but an endless pursuit of a political ideology and narrative that America should be the good guys in the world. Who cares? None! This is the kind of pressure exerted on former President George W. Bush by both the hawks of both parties prior to the invasion of Iraq. The same rhetoric and ideology that dragged US into war which is now entering its tenth year. Didn't they learn anything from past experiences? 
President Obama armed the rebels that turned against US diplomats in Benghazi, now poised to arm another bunch the US government doesn't know who or what purposes they're pursuing. Something is clear: The US is going to arm the same group that had been fighting against US military since 2001 who are now fighting against the Assad regime, isn't that crazy?
The Russians have warned the US of the two brothers who bombed the Boston marathon a couple of months ago, alerting the US of the brothers' ties to terrorist organizations in Chechnya, and also warned the US of taking in radical elements under asylum status but the US government never took the warning seriously. Now the Russians are again warning US not to arm rebels and took time to outline the savagery of the rebels and the radical elements attached to that movement, yet the US doesn't seem to care. In the future, citizens of this country will look back to this time and marvel at the ignorance of the US government, and how many signs or warnings they missed and never learned from them. 
This video of the man eating his enemies now stuck with me - it is gruesome in every aspect of that word! I wish I never watched it because it so disturbing and disgusting! But its worth a quick glance so that you can see the kind of humans Democrat and Republican hawks in congress are planning to arm in the next few weeks. This is not right! 

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