
Friday, September 10, 2010

September 11, a Faded Memory?

Tomorrow marks the 9th year since America was attacked by Islamic terrorists. That day terrorists brought down two American iconic buildings, the Twin Towers (World Trade Center), slammed a jetliner to the side of the Pentagon, and the one bound for the House of Congress and possibly the White House was brought down by civilian passengers--it vaporized on impact in an empty field somewhere in Pennsylvania. Many important events emerged from these rubbles that had changed the world for ever.

I want to take this blog to reflect on the events of 9/11 and why that day must not be forgotten.

The attack not only unified United of America, but has changed the world forever. Two wars have been fought as America and its NATO allies sought to punish the instigators of this senseless attacks. Churches were filled with people who have lost loved onces and fellow workmates during that event, hard
working Americans volunteered to join the military. Patriotism had again returned to America.

However, after nine years of chasing the enemies many people changed their minds about 9/11. Some began to question whether it was indeed an American conspiracy to punish the Middle East nations. Others began to point fingers at the Jews--claiming the Jews were the ones behind the attack. Many have now questioned the war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq whether they are necessary anymore. Others think that the war is being fought on behalf of special interest and not the interest of the nation. More than 4 thousand soldiers have lost their lives in this mission to give America the justice it so needed.
All the tears and anger toward terrorists wore off. Instead of thanking the soldiers for fighting on behalf of the American people and to protect their peace at home, anti-war protesters gathered each time to protest against the war at funeral services of slain soldiers brought from the battle fields. Over the years, military installations were attacked by anti-war people, many of whom had ties with Muslims, and so on.
Ideas and identity have taken a huge leap. Division amongst political parties, division between religions and faith, etc. also also taken a huge turn. For instance, Islamic leaders wanted to build a Mosque about two blocks from the capital, Americans hit back. Many people like to call it racism and bigotry, but it shows the intolerance born on the ashes of the WTC.
Americans also took to the streets to protest the proposed building of a Mosque a couple of blocks away from Ground Zero. Hatred and animosity began to swell. Many attempts attack.

My Thoughts about 9/11
I was in Hawaii when the World Trade Center was attacked. I remember joining my fellow school mates in a vigil while watching the impact over and over again. It was sad. Like many Americans, there was a sense of revenge in the air. The US Army was also actively recruiting. Though I didn't make it, at least I tried.
What we've seen since that day is an America of ideas not actions. The America that is filled with wannabe sensible people who are afraid of hurting the feelings of others, especially the Muslim world despite the fact that America was attacked by 14 Muslims majority of them from Saudi Arabia.

To continued!!

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