
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why Conservatives will Deny Gov. Mitt Romney, Again~!

I have conservative friends on Face Book whose political ideologies are based on small governments, tax-cuts, etc. and are calling for a new President that is capable of turning the United States of America around. However, I watched the way they talk about their Conservative leaders and realize that their religious views seem to eclipse everything that the are essential to the recovery of the nation; in part, bigotry is more likely to destroy the Conservative party than bad policies.
The man many people looked to to rescue the Republican party and the nation may turned out to be the man man coonservatives across hate across America. Governor Mitt Romney will face his party's fury on two things: Conservatives will hold him against his record as the governor of Massachusetts and his denomination, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

A Conservative Governor who Ruled like a Liberal
Gov. Romney is not new to the US. He was the governor of the most liberal state in the country, Massachusetts. During his tenure, he did many things contrary to the Conservative principles. He openly distanced himself from the Conservative circle and denounced the strategies of Pres. Reagan and Bush senior. This is the clip opponents of Gov. Romney, including conservatives, have been using to make their case that he (Romney) is not a suitable Conservative candidates.

Gov. Romney also contested in the 2008 Republican primary and was one of the favorites until voters abandoned him in favor of Sen. John McCain and Protestant hero, and form Baptist Pastor, Mike Huckabee. He withdrew his candidacy and supported the Republican nominee McCain to the very end.
Conservatives come in different shapes, forms, and ideologies. Majority of them are protestant Christians. Inside Christendom, different Christian Churches interpreted the Bible differently.

Brief History of Mormon
In 1820, in a vision, Joseph Smith claimed that he saw God the F
ather and his son Jesus Christ who instructed him to organize the Church. JS led a group people to form what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) also known as Mormon. In that vision, the gods told JS that "ALL" Churches were wrong. When protestants heard about the movement, they set out to destroy him. To appeased the none Mormons and protestants, authority locked JS and his brother up. In June 27, 1844, a mob made up of anti-Mormons from Missouri, Navoo, and Mormo
n defectors stormed Carthage Jail and shot murdered JS and his brother in cold-blood.The assassination of JS and his brother sparked another massive evacuation. Faithful Mormons left Navoo and trekked Westward and settled in Mexico's owned territory of Utah.
The Church settled in Salt Lake city and built it to what is today the Mormon city. The newly founded Utah came under assault constantly from the Federal government and when the US forces defeated Mexico, Utah was called to join the US and after negotiat
ions, it became a territory and then became a State. When US defeated Mexico, Utah was forced to be part of the the US.

The Animosity Lingers to this day
There are 12 million Mormons around the world and majority live here in America and are vigorously proselyting amongst non Mormon communi
ties. The biggest difference is the Book of Mormon, a book JS claimed he obtained from an Angel in a vision and had used special instrument to translate it to English. The book also contains revelation from Gods called "The Doctrine and Covenant". The BOM claimed that the first inhabitants of America came from Israel on boats, and because of apostasy they fought to extension and the lone survivor who kept the records on gold plates buried them and were revealed to JS. Christians have dug up the history of JS and attacked the BOM from cover to cover, calling it a man made book which copied everything that is found in the NT. As result of that, tens of thousands of books have been written about t
he BOM and about JS himself. Some earned PhD studying the history of Mormonism. Others identified the LDS as a cult and thousands of websites have been created to warn people of Mormonism. Movies are made about the history of the LDS Church and the battle rages on, seminars are held to debunk Mormonism so and so and so!

Some of the major differences between protestantism and Mormonism:
1. Believe the Bible is the "only" inspired word of God. Any other book, including BOM, is man made.
2. Majority of protestant churches believe in trinity, God the father, the spirit, and Christ the same.
3. Majority of protestant, except Anglican and perhaps Lutheran, don't believe in child baptism.
4. All Protestants believe in Heaven and Hell.
5. Protestant don't believe in temples
6. All protestant churches don't believe in Baptism for the dead ancestors; they believe in salvation for individuals based on faith and baptism.
7. All believers in Christ are "saved by grace".

1. Believe in the Bible and also believe that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.
2. Mormons believe that Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit are three separate bodies with one purpose.
3. Mormon permits 8 year old children
to be baptized as they reach the year of accountability.
4. Mormons don't believe in Heaven and Hell but thee three degrees of glory: The Celestial, the Terrestrial, and Telestial. After judgement day, all believers will inherit these glories.
5. Temple endowments are extremely important to Mormons. Only the worthy enters the temple to receive their endowments.
6. 'Baptism for the dead' is central to the Mormon theology. They believe that those who died before the Gospel was preached, or the new covenant was established, must receive baptism through proxy.
7. Mormons believe that were are "saved by grace" after all we do. Faith and grace are conditions, Mormons must do everything to be saved and Baptism is essential. Mormons believe that the Words of Christ, 'except a man is born of water and of
the spirit', is the true road to our heavenly father.

The Silent War Within the Conservatives

It is unimaginable that a Mormon man would take the lead in fighting against the Liberal Democrats and rallied people of different faiths to one of the most hollowed grounds in Washington, D.C., the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial. Glenn Beck, a recovering alcoholic and a devoted Mormon man, is not a new voice in America. He had been a strong critic of government regardless of who sits in the White House. Since crossing over from CNN to Fox News, Beck found his mission--bringing down the socialistic government of the left. However, his vision is not only political but religious. While some conservatives embraced his conservative message, many Conservative followers are quite uncomfortable with his religious affiliation and theology.
This is one of the articles by Conservative Christians questioning just who Beck is and the teachings of Mormonism:
This is Masha Lee West, a self proclaimed expert in "Christian world view". This is her introduction on her Facebook Profile:
I'm a born-again Christian and right-wing conservative, with no apology. I LOVE Jesus, my wonderful husband, my darling daughter, my adorable grandkids, plus my family and Byron's family. As well, I cherish my friends, especially the "Rowdys."
For more about me, check out my website

This is her website. Read about what she is saying about Mr. Beck and what many Christians say about Beck. Click here to visit here blog. The war that is brewing amongst Conservative Christians will erupt when Conservative takes back the house. Mormons will be accused, not based on their performance, but their denomination. Beck's popularity will wear out and Romney's fight for the Conservative nominee will be again squeezed by protestant Christians, or so-called Born Again Christians.

The Romney America Needs
If all the bigotries and hate mongering go out the window and voters simply look at the person and his ability to turn bad things around, Gov. Romney is the most qualified of all Republican candidates lining up for the Presidential bid. If the Conservatives candidates meet and compare resume; education and experience wise, no one would match Gov. Romney's resume. He was a Harvard graduate, credited for rescuing the Utah Olympics and made it a success and for creating some of the most successful corporations in America.

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