
Saturday, September 11, 2010

American Sensitivity, Islamic Advantage!

Today is the 9th year since America was attacked. I didn't go anywhere far away from home, I just want to be here and watch the nationwide events on TV. Something caught my attention; it is called the "read the qu'ran" event which occurred in various locations in America. It is the idea that Christians should read the Qu'ran and understand its. This, many argued, would ease the tension between the Muslims and Americans and reduce misunderstanding between Islam and Christians. My first reaction was, ooooooh reall?
What I've seen as an immigrant to this nation is that the attack on America over the years by Muslims probably pays off. It is not a secret anymore. It's happening everywhere in the country, thanks in part to Politicians who have exploited the vulnerability of United States and its cultural sensitivity and political culture. Without strong leaders to lead this nation, Islamization of America will over-ride this nation in the next two generations.

The Violent Religion of Islam
Islam is a religion founded around 600+ A.D after Mohammed claimed he had a vision from Allah and led a small ground of men against h
is enemies and defeated them in a swift victory attributed to the mighty hands of Allah. Mohammed and his band of brave men executed those stood before him and organized what is now called Islam. In a religion emerged from the dust of a region colonized by European powers, Islam reformed constantly to fit the political cultural changes of the time. As a result, more radical views toward non-believers made their way into what is now the qu'ran--the Islamic scripture. It is simply impossible, however, to imagine that a poor man from Mecca would have written such a huge book in his remain days on earth. Mohammed was illiterate and couldn't have written such a book, but is is a common practice of the region to write books and attribute them to people just as in the Bible. The five book of Moses obviously evolved overtime and many could have been written by Jews scholars and attributed to Moses. Some of the New Testament epistles were written by followers of Paul either through direct dictation, which was highly unlikely, and then attributed them to the man in jail. The same thing can be said about the rise of Islam.
What the qu'ran does is strengthening the identity of the Arabs in defiance of foreign occupations. To survive, Islamic clerics began to teach a more radical form of Islam where all scriptures are take not literally but figuratively. Thus, the adherents of this religion made killing of the 'infidels' mandatory, or a duty. The conquest of the Middle East by Islamic warriors demonstrated the radicalization of this religion. It is not longer a spiritual battle between humans and the devil as preached by Mohammed, radical Islam teaches that taking up arms against the enemy is justified in the eyes of Allah. Muslims armed with the re-reading of the qu'ran conquered most regions in the ME and even the holy-city of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. And every where they defeated enemies they built mosques. Muslims also invaded Europe only to be stopped by powerful Christian king of Spain and the Catholics. To this day, Muslims in Europe had grown immensely with the help of politicians who exploited their ambitions for their own political ends. Muslims are advancing quite well throughout Europe because of intimidation terrorism, and through the utilization of the democratic political processes etc.

Islam invasion of America, Why it is possible!
After the fall of Germany, US, UK, and France and basically the Western world banded together to fight against the spread of Communism. However, one of the biggest event that destroyed the relationship between the US, the UK, and the Middle East had changed forever, took place in 1949.With the blessing and approval of the UN, the State of Israel was born. To many Arabs, the creation of Israel should never have happened and had united and waged wars against Israel from since then. With the backing of the USSR, one of the world's most feared superpower before 1990s, Arabs provoked every war in the ME up until the Yom Kippur war of 1973 which brought the two (US and USSR) superpowers to the brink of nuclear holocaust. Between the 1949 to 1990s, Muslims waged war against the US and UK. Interestingly, their only book of inspiration--one which justifies every atrocity created by Muslims, is the qu'ran. Murder, assassination, execution, hijacking of all forms came form the qu'ran.
Muslims see America as the protector of Israel and vowed to bring it down to its knee. Confronting US in arms conflict would be suicidal, they began indoctrinating young people who grow up and becoming martyrs for Allah. In this mission, clerics taught, Allah would reward those who died in his course with 72 virgins in paradise. And in a stretch of lands with nothing but a few palm trees and houses made of mud bricks, that promise is something to die for. For decades, men and women looked to be suicide bombers instead of being computer experts, doctors, or lawyers. The anger toward America is so profound that people, like Ramsey Yosef who first attack the WTC in 1993, gave up impressive careers as engineers in order to be suicide bombers. Many Islamic clerics believe that by weakening America, Jihadists would be able to bring down Israel and wipe it off the face of the earth. This is one of the fundamental beliefs of the Arabs' efforts to eradicate Israel.
In America, the target is made possible by Americans themselves. There are documents called the "Constitution" and the "Bill of Right" that the Arabs have been using, like the Liberals always do, to destroy America. The so-called "rights to do to many things including speech, religion, and expression" and the sensitivity that Americans have for "other" groups of people only empowered Jihadists and their mission to destroy America. It is a known fact that when America is headed by a Conservative, Jihadists tuck-tail and run, but when Liberals take control, the suicide bombers aren't afraid of hitting America. Under Democrat Liberal president Bill Clinton, Americans were slaughtered by Muslim warlords in Somalia; Al Qeada attacked the USS Cole killing scores; two US embassies in Africa were bombed. They knew that Liberals care so much about "ideology" than actual protection of the nation.
Take for instance the hijackers of 2001, they should have never entered America. These hijackers entered the US despite the fact that their documents were incomplete. Mohammed Ata's documents were incomplete and should have raised an alarm, but he was granted a visa. They entered America on student visa and were studying as pilots. It was interesting though because White Americans are always afraid of being called "racists" and for them to question why more than a dozen Muslims arrived in the US and all attended flight schools would have been accused of being racists. The American sensitivity toward people of other race became the demise of the most powerful nation in the world. Even at the airport on the morning of 9/11, security cameras showed these men going through metal detectors a few times because the machine keeps beeping. It is highly likely that the airport people were afraid of patting the suspects down or even interrogating them, let alone stripping them naked, for fear of being called a racists, anti-Islam and bigots, and above all they could have been fired for racial/ethnic profiling.
In Europe, the expansion of Islam threw up a storm, esp. with conservative hardliners in countries such as Switzerland who voted to block of a Mosque in certain parts of the country. A movement to thwart this Islamic expansion had been criticized with all sorts of nasty things, paramount of the accusations was the fact that the failure of the democratic governments to allow Muslims to build mosques were undemocratic. Other European leaders aren't afraid to speak out, the way American leaders should.

France's government v Muslim
In France, President Zarkosy discourages the Burqas when addressing the French Parliament. He said that there is no place for Burqas in France as it represents repression and represents everything contrary to the French way of life. Muslim leaders somewhat agree yet pointing to the fact that women's modesty is important, how on earth is uncovering of the face immodesty?

Former PM of Australia and his government called for Muslims to assimilate to the Australia way of life, or else "leave". These kinds of statements by former Australian Prime Minister John Howard and France's president Nicholas Sarkozy are viewed in America as insensitive, bigotry and outright wrong.
There is an apparent shift in the American Psyche that only supports the theory that bullies often feared not because of their strengths but their persistence. Muslims have attacked Americans from the kidnapping of the Americans from the US embassy in Beirut to the USS Cole. Even after two embassies were bombed and flattened, Americans have demonstrated obvious signs of fear; fear of fellow Americans, fear of being leveled bigots, fear of being called racists, and fear of being called "intolerants" and anti-Islam. The irony though is that, the onces that the world should condemn are the ones calling for the destruction of Israel and consistently attacking American and Americans around the world in the name of Allah. They ones that attack America with the Koran in their hands are the ones that should be condemned, not those speaking out against violence.

US and Muslims

This is Obama praising Islam and Muslims despite the fact that Muslims attacked a few months earlier. Since come to power, President Obama accused America of not talking to the enemies. He took a trip to Egypt and the ME, showing that he is a new leader. He believed that talking directly to them, things would be different and people would like America. This notion is seriously flawed. After opening up to Iran, Iran didn't slow down its nuclear program rather expanding it. Under Obama watch, Muslims are out and about plotting to attack America and its allies.
Juxtapose this clip of Obama and what radical Muslims have done to America since his election, does anything President Obama said in his speech hold any water? The teachings of Islam inspired Muslims to kill America. A distortion of the scriptures is taking a peaceful passages of the qu'ran and twisted their meaning to hurt other people. But there is not "distortion" nor is there any "perversion" of Islam when the Qu'ran itself states exactly what they do, that is killed the unbelievers, beheading those who work against the will of Allah. Again the greatest danger to America are Americans themselves as they make things possible for terrorists. The home grown radicalized Americans are the greatest threats today as the 9/11 Commission found out in their investigation.

There is a huge contrast between the way the leaders of France and Australia speak of Muslims and the way the American president and his far left cooks address Islam. All that this administration is doing is praising Islam while the adherents of Islam are looking for openings to sneak into America and attack it.

December 2010 (Xmas bomber)

This is another man inspired by Islam to kill US military personnels at Fort Hood, Texas. He was screaming "Allah Ahu Arkbar". There is no reason why a man would kill in the name of Allah without being attach to Islam. Americans are so-scared of offending Muslims and that has proven fatal.

Ft. Hood Shooting (14 Dead)

These police officers were trying to bring down the terrorist Muslim who killed at least 14 Americans and wounded more than 30 people at Ft. Hood. The most appalling thing though is that President Obama praised Islam after all these killings.

Shahzad Attempted to Bomb Time Square, New York

By why are so many Americans afraid of speaking out? Because of political correctness and because of Obama administration's idea that Islam is peaceful and that America must lead by example. These are classic examples of this flawed ideology. To assume that everyone would love America because the president loves Muslims, is indeed a fairytale. When is President Obama and the left wing nuts going to open their eyes? When a nuclear bomb goes off at Time Square?

This is Oreilly trying to put things straight and call them exactly what they are. For American left wing media to pretend that the man didn't killed Americans because he is a Muslim who believes in Islam and the qu'ran, is indeed appalling.
Again, terrorists attacked America because of the American system and its ignorant leaders. The American way of life is designed in such a way that protects terrorists. The time to pretend that if America is nice, people will love America, is, or should be over. It is simply unreal!

This is what Obama and the Attorney General said about Radical Islam. To them, it doesn't exist at all, or simply a myth.
The new attitude toward Islam is expressed well by the Obama Administration's Attorney General Eric Holder. This administration is pretending that Islam doesn't hate America despite the fact that three attacks were carried out by Muslims this year and last year and who have been inspired by the qu'ran.

To be continued....

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