
Friday, September 17, 2010

American Dependency on the Internet

The Internet takes control of everything in America, traveling, shopping, letter writing, news analysis, weather, booking reading, etc. The advancement of technology also brings the internet to pretty much any gadget with computer built in software that enables internet connection. Cellphones now connects to the internet; the new iphone, blackberry and even my cheap cellphone all have internet capability.
Its getting to a point that when your personal computer crashes you pretty much "lost". Your addresses gone, your emails disappeared, you can't go anywhere you never been before, you don't know what to wear because you don't know how hot or cold the day gonna be, and you can't buy your stuff online because you have no computer and internet connection. Your digital TV isn't working either because you got the internet, phone, and TV bundle. You are basically in the dark.

to be continued...

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