
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hon. Lusibaea (aka Rasta) Must Go!

Articles all over the Solomon media about Hon. Lusibaea's upcoming trial have been extremely apologetic. Many sought to defend his innocence but I think its time for him to get out, or should I say BUTT OFF parliament?
Is there any word in our legal system called "ethic" or are we the only country in the world that do not understand the meaning of that word? Well lets pretend that we don't understand the meaning of that word, which seemed to be the case since independence. In other words, there seemed to be a complete absence of that word, which is, perhaps, one of the reasons why our government, under Sogavare (2000-2002) drafted uneducated former MEF thugs as police officers back in the days. Its maybe why corrupt people such as Charles Daosabea served time in jail for corruption and stealing, returned and became a law-maker (MP). The absence of that word is perhaps why Prime Minister Solomon Mamaloni headed a country at the same time engaging in raw under-table deals with logging companies and diverted funds sent to fix the roads to arms dealers for in exchange for weapons for fear of being invaded by PNG during the height of the Bougainville crisis. It is perhaps the reason why our Prime Minister in 2006 decided to appoint a man convicted in Vanuatu for child sex crimes as the first legal officer of Solomon Islands. This is perhaps why our country is heading down the septic tank.

Why is it that Solomon Islands' government allowed this man to head a Ministry, let alone becoming a lawmaker in a country he destroyed back in 2000-2003? Where is our legal system? Where did we go wrong with our entire system? The last I checked, our leaders blamed England for the mess created by the GRA and MEF. Pointing fingers to the colonial masters who left in our shoes in 1970. That was simply a ruse to allow those instigated the ethnic cleansing of Malaitans, those who committed treason against our government to go free. Any sensible person would see the inappropriateness, for a lack of a better word, of giving and rewarding those who destroyed the SOVEREIGNTY of Solomon Islands since 2000, with a portfolio in government.

It is better to conclude that what left of Solomon Islands are people with no balls who have no guts to call people what they really are!

Matter of fact, we have a legal system that doesn't have claws to grab on to those who cross the path of our laws. A system where lawyers, prosecutors and defense lawyers, are too afraid to question the nature by which our leaders are elected, let alone screaming at our legislative body when those in that body tuck-tail, sitting back and suck their thumps for fear of being either attacked or even undermined by their cronies. Who is left there on the side line to raise the flag when everyone becomes a player in this dirty game with no referees? Is there any single MP in this legislative body that have at least a few hair of moral leadership left to take the lead when everyone else didn't want to take the blame?

Hon. Lusibaea's election was a controversial one, but what more gripping and idiotic is his insistence that he is innocent. And his insistence on holding on to his job as a Minister and not taking the most honorable thing a 'true' leader would do that is to resign and face the charges brought against him in court. Any country outside Solomon Islands, Lusibaea would never hold any public office, let alone insisting of leaving a job when charges are being filed against him in court. It is only in Solomon Islands, and I don't care how many countries in Africa, Asia, or the Middle East, are doing the same thing. Lusibaea is being, just like in his day as the RAMBO of Honiara in 2000-2003, left untouched because people (MPs) are scared of him.

Besides, whose interest is Solomon Islands' Prime Minister Danny Philip serving regarding this whole matter? Is he serving the people of Solomon Islands or his cronies in the house? The Prime Minister is the boss of the Cabinet, the head of the government and he has the right to boot Lusibaea's butt off the government and replacing him with someone else, if there is any left, who is fit to hold that portfolio. It is apparent, however, that Mr. Philip, as controversial as he had always been, may never fire the man whose pending charges are serious enough to land his bottom (that's if our laws have the nuts to do so) in jail for the long run.

When the judicial watchdogs failed to bark and scream at leaders, as they should when "ethical issues" and the future of our sovereign nation at stake, the PM is the last man with the pen and paper to do the firing. And for the benefit of the nation he must do so. If his handing of the Parliamentary Entitlement Regulations fell flat on its belly, this is his chance to show the nation true leadership and fire Lusibaea from the Ministry until he is cleared from all the pending charges.

Well, I know my readers will bring up the "not guilty until found guilty by the laws" but this is more than guilty or not guilty. This is about justice for Solomon Islanders who have suffered because of Lusibaea and his thugs, and an opportunity to show leadership by moving to the side and let those with no controversial backgrounds, if there's any left, to make laws and regulations for the country. If the courts finds him innocent of all the charges, good! He can retain his job. To be the leader of one of the most important ministries in Solomon Islands when your are being charged with 'attempt murder' and other serious crimes, is indeed unethical.

Last I checked, Solomon Islands' is Gaza under the Hamas style of leadership. We are not ina country where murderers are called martyrs and awards are given those killing or plotting to kill Israelis, but if we aren't careful we are moving toward that state of anarchy. This is Solomon Islands where the rule of law should be paramount, and this is a nation whose national anthem embraces God, prosperity and peace. Sadly, there is no prosperity and peace when people are left unchecked and unpunished!

Lusibaea must go and anyone of the same shady past with huge baggage on their shoulders must follow suit!

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