
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The West is Scared!

The Western fronts and leaders of the so-called "Free World" are scared shitless! They just don't know how to handle Russia at this moment of arms conflict in Georgia. Where the heck is UK, US, Germany, France, etc? They are there, but just talking. They are afraid that provoking a country that was once a Superpower, is not in their best interest. But whose interest then? These Western Leaders are in their hiding places, condemning and engaging in war of words while the Russians are slaughtering innocent Georgians.

The Putin's Ambition
The Russian Prime Minister's (Vladimir Putin) main ambition is reviving Russia back to its cold-war regional military influence. Putin once said that the worst thing ever happened in Europe was the collapse of communism (paraphrase). The man is nuts! He is a martial art expert and a former KGB leader, now he is flexing Russian's muscles while the Western powers are tacking their tails to protect their nuts. The main obstacles standing between Russian ambitions for regional and international power are its former satellites, Czech, Poland, Georgia, Ukraine, Chechnya, etc. These former satellites are looking Westward instead of Eastward; something that Putin doesn't like at all. But who cares?
Recently, Kosovo gained its independence from Serbia and supported by the West, especially the USA. This infuriated Russians leadership. To make matters worse, Ukraine and Georgia were likely candidates for NATO membership-an organization that irritated the former Soviet Union and instrumental in strategic defense of Western Europe during the cold-war and ultimately ending Soviet rule in Europe. The idea of these two controversial countries joining NATO was fully supported by USA.

Is Talking Enough?
The world is watching with the ones that claimed to protect the free-world aint doing enough, just talking. USA went into Iraq in the name of Freedom-a mission to bring to justice a man the US called an evil man running an evil regime (Ba'ath Party). But they went in after hundreds of thousands of lives (Shiites and Kurds) were slaughtered. The US went into Bosnia after tens of thousands of lives were massacred by the Serbian government. Now that Georgia, a strong US ally and one of the few European countries that sent troops to Iraq, is holding onto to the end of the rope in this senseless Russian invasion, US is doing it again. Just talking, condemning and wondering how the heck should they intervene. But talking while people are dying is hypocritical.
The US relationship with Russia is already destroyed and there is no room for criticism and political rhetorics. There is no room for discussion with Russia when their words don't reflect their activities inside Georgia (recently a column of Russian armored vehicles rolling to Gori-closer to the capital city of Georgia), and President Bush must rally support to deal with the situation and stop talking.

Scared of Russians?
NATO, with the Leadership of US and UK, has the capability to push Russia back to its pre-invasion position. They can do that with the approval of the UN Security council. Any Russian veto should be flashed down the toilet as the battle ground is not in Russia, but the sovereign state of Georgia. There is no legal right for Russia to enter Georgia and take over the entire country or attempting to decapitate its democratically elected government. Unless Moscow (Kremlin) is willing to break all international laws or conventions, to invade Georgia as they did Afghanistan in 1989.
This is an illegal occupation of an independent nation and the West must step up and take the leading role as leaders of the free world, and stop this invasion. They must enter Georgia and push Russian forces back to their own country if the don't keep the terms of the truce brokered by France!
Are the US and NATO Scared of the Russian nuclear weapons? These weapons aren't effective as the West possessing far more deadly arsenals than Russian (combining US, UK, and France nuclear warheads). During the cold war, the Soviets/US nuclear weapons were nothing by elements of deterrence. The idea that if the West (NATO) intervenes that Russia might resort to nuclear warfare, is a point of contention and a bumper statement for the West. In other words, the West, esp. USA just don't know how the heck should they respond and are using these as points of restraining while assessing the options.

Russia Claimed Georgia attacked First
The president of Russia claimed that the Russian constitution permits Russia to protect its citizens where ever they maybe in times of conflict. This is absolutely pathetic, taking to consideration international laws that prohibited states from violating other nations' sovereignty (boundaries). This is a lame excuse for Russia to invade Georgia.
In fact, nations have the right to protect its citizens. But the norm is to evacuate citizens in war-zones around the world into safe areas, which the West have done in war-torn nations. But the Russians are doing the opposite; they captured cities, bombed civilian homes, military barracks, sunk ships, took over ports! these aren't activities to protect citizens, are they? These are pure military invasion to overthrow a democratic nation strategically important to the Russians and an aim to punish NATO.

Putin and Bush
These two leaders are like a married couple who fights constantly but never want a divorce. In recent meetings, the two seems to have a lot in common, and off course, mutual respects. President Bush also called Putin "a good friend," something that Republic Nominee, Sen. John McCain, mocked in his popular statement. Sen. McCain said that the only thing he sees in Putin are three letters, K.G.B (paraphrase). Such a relationship is a good thing when it comes to international leadership and friendship. But there are considerable differences that the two know exist between them. One notable one is President Bush's ambition to expand US missile defense systems in Europe and Putin's ambition to rid of any threat surrounding his country, namely Czech and Poland.
But there is end to every friend. Not all friendship last forever. Russia have betrayed the confidence of its friends in the West by senselessly attacking Georgia was on the verge of demolishing this sovereign state. He is not a friend anymore, but a foe!
It is time that the West wakes up to the reality that Putin is more than just a friendly leader. He is a neo-communist whose ideologies embraces Russian nationalism and resurrection of the Russian empire. If Russia gets away with this, there will be more invasion of bordering nations in the hands of the Russians, especially the Ukraine. It is important to counter Russian aggression NOW and to show the world the the West is serious about protecting democracy!

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