
Monday, August 11, 2008

The Rise of a New Cold War Era

The Russian invasion of Georgia is perhaps the beginning of a new Cold-war era. The Bush's administration have made a few attempts to set up missile defense systems in two of Russia's former satellites, Poland and Czech, in what many critics believed to be the beginning of another global conflict. This proposal met with tremendous opposition from Putin's administration, claiming it to be an invasion of Russia's backyard and, at one point, threatened military action if the proposal went through. It is obvious however, that Russian illegal invasion of Georgia is an attempt to give US a portion of Putin's minds.

US and Russia, the Dilemma
Being caught in the middle between two allies in the war against Terror, USA's approach has been nothing by slow and hoping things will just go away on their own.
The President, while in China, condemned the invasion of Georgia and also expressed USA's position on the conflict. But words aren't enough to deter Russia whose invasion effort was said to protect Russian's citizens in Georgia, expanded its aerial attack deep inside Georgia. In the last 24 hours, Georgian president declared that Russia have cut the nation in two after almost a week of bombardment and ground incursion by some 9,000 strong Russian troops.
Georgian President called on the international community to intervene, but US still stands on its condemnation of the invasion. Over night, the US military planes transported Georgian troops stationed in Iraq back to Georgia where they would join the fight to defend its country. There is a general consensus, just as in the days leading to US intervention in the Bosnian conflict, that US should take a closer and careful part in this conflict. But the US is more careful about this move and is trying in all its best not to piss the Russians off, however, it just a matter of time until US comes decided what to do.
The Russians is effectively controlled by the KGB (Putin) while the US is going through a period of total transformation with the Democrats and the Republic will determine who the next president should be and the kinds of foreign policy the US should engage in.
In the meantime, Georgia is desperately gasping for intervention. Russia pressed on, what lies ahead will depend on the United Security Council emergency meeting scheduled for this afternoon. In the last previous meeting, the Russian ambassador explained that Russian troops were fighting in areas invaded by the Georgian force, but evidences show a different story.

To be continued

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