
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Never Changed China!

The Beijing Olympic will be remembered in history as the most tainted of all the Olympics held through-out the world. Just before the Olympic kicked off, critics have wondered whether the Olympic would change the already tainted reputation of the Chinese government, or make it worse. But a careful investigation of the events surrounding the Olympic tells a weird story, though not new, which is-the Chinese government never and won't change. They won't change!

Fake Olympic Fire-works/Lyp-Synch
The opening ceremony should be nothing more than a demonstration of Chinese culture and heritage; the beauty of the Chinese culture, the amazing architectural designs of the stadium dubbed the "Olympic nest," the number of children singing together the Olympic anthem in perfect harmony etc., but a closer look at the televised version of the Olympic fireworks and a little investigation unearthed some extraordinary, yet careful choreographic mastermind.
The fire works were found to be fake, or to be precise, they were computerized fireworks. The stunning display of fireworks caught the eyes of computer engineers and other curious computer gigs of its unnatural characteristics. The first impression, according to those who did the investigation, was that the fireworks was way too expansive, too massive to be realistic. It turned out that the curious investigators were right that the images of the Olympic fireworks on TV were computer generated.
How about the rendering of "Ode to the Motherland"? Well, turned out to be another extraordinary set up by the Chinese authority who puts Miaoke outside to lyp-synched the rendition the song that seven year old Yang Peiyi sung behind closed doors. When questioned, the Chinese' explanation was simple: it was done for national interest- Peiyi has a gap between her front set but has the voice, on the other hand, the beautiful Miaoke's flawless characteristics suited the national image that the Communist government wants the world to remember China with. So they decided to it that way. But such perfectionism merely demonstrated arrogance and idiocy on the part of a government that is known to the world as the worst human-rights violator. A government that thinks it can get away with anything even with an event witnessing by hundreds of millions around the world, on TV and on the cyber-world of the Internet.
There are even controversies surrounding the gold-medalists Chinese female Gymnasts. Are they too young? Who proved that these kids are over 16 years old (minimum age to compete)? The Chinese government. When questioned, the Chinese authority issued the girls passports that proved they are over 16 years old. But isn't it a coincidence that these children have passports instead of the Birth Certificates, as their evidence of maturity? And by the way, where did these kid visit (foreign countries) beside traveling around the vast country of China? The controversies have melted away just as the Chinese people anticipated, but the images of little girls on the stand to receive their medals have been extremely laughable, these are 12-14 years old girls.
The bottom line is that the Olympic in Beijing have failed miserably to alter the known, well known image and reputation of the Chinese Communist government. An image that is full of crookedness; lies and arrogance.

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