
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Richmond Rocks: Kava Party

It took me 30 minutes driving up and down Court St. looking for Dylan street. Later, I got the impression that Costco might be near where I was going. I was right, the door opened and the smiling guests were there drinking and chatting. I walked slowly in and met the MC, it was my friend's housing warming party. I'd not seen him in a long time since he was away working in Canada.
He ushered me to the front yard, there awaited my favorited drink, KAVA. Sitting there was Josh, an American former Peace Corp who served three and a half years in Vanuatu. We greeted each other in Bislama (pidgin), and to my surprise, a lot of Caucasian friends were waiting to try out the Kava. We commenced the Kava ceremony. Josh and I started the party but taking two coconut shells filled to the top, later two white females joined in. Soon, everyone was silent. I broke the silence by laughing out loud and then walked into the house. They started drinking again.
The party went on pretty well. More guests arrived and Shree gave us a house-tour. Alot of spaces, rooms, and yes many many many bathrooms. At 9 a.m. we gathered in the living room and made a toast for Sammy's safe return to US, and for their new house. Heck yah, the best part of the party was the food; I particularly enjoyed the Indian home made Chicken Curry and the smoked fishes.
I only had a couple of cups from the Kava party, but I could feel the numbness on my lips and tongue. I felt so relaxed, but I wanted some more. Disappointed I was, the Kava was gone. I persuaded Sammy to mix some more and the assignment was transfered to Josh, an expert Kava drinker from San Francisco, CA. I walked into the kitchen and observed Josh mixing the Kava, and yes he perfected the art. We, again, started the second round of the Kava ceremony that took kept us going till around 10 pm.
Sammy and Shree opened the gifts and greeting cards and the party wrapped up. I felt so cold so I decided to drink Vodka, it was strong but it kept me warm, others were drinking Barcadi. Shree puts on Tevaka and I felt the urge to dance, however, it was getting late and my bed back in Suffolk was calling me. We left Shree and Sammy's house and drove back home. Tired, but excited. Took us one and a half house to get home. It was a very enjoyable occasion.
Lukim yutufala samfala taim!

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