
Saturday, December 16, 2006

Don't Mess With Texas: They Say!

Austin is one of the most attractive cities in the State of Texas. Filled with historical places, museum and tourist attraction centers.
From the cold weather of Virginia to the warmth weather of Austin, a sudden transformation that lasted for a week. We visited Austin and drove up to the Alamos and Sea World in San Antonio.
We drove by El Paso, a city that reminded me of "Glory Road".
In that movie, colored Americans were brought in to play for a high school in El Paso, Western Miners. From that day, the future of basketball was determined by some colored students. It took place in El Paso some 40 years ago.
We parked the car and walked up the stairs. Across the streets stood a popular facility, the Alamo chapel, the cite where Texan militia fought the Mexican army, then a Spanish colony, to the death. I really didn't know why the Alamo is a popular site till I entered the compound.
The chapel still standing, a replica on the sides was built where remains of the tools, weapons, and other things collected from the site by the state of Virginia. We exited to a place with a podium and flags on the background, but I took a short time checking out the replica building that housed most of the artifacts and tools used by Texans who died in this place.
While looking through the glasses and reading captions, I head the microphones outside so I joint the rest of the crowd congregated by the podium. A gentle man, in his middle 40s, walked in and narrated the story of the Alamo.
Texas was considered a Mexican place, and Europeans and Americans who were living there under the Mexican jurisdiction. But not everyone was happy with how things changed, and that led to an insurrection in which Texans eliminated the police and took control of the San Antonio area. Mexican army marched to texas, declaring a war without a "quarter," in other words, no negotations. Desperate Texans wrote to the US congress for support, but no response. Texan fighters withdrew to the Alamos where they fought the Mexican to the last man. Later, US defeated Mexico and took over Texas, and sometimes later it became a US state. The only state that flies its flags on the same level as the US flag. The place is beautiful, green, and full of flowers and huge trees. Across the road is a bridge that crosses over a stream where tourists flocked in for refreshment after visiting the Alamo. We walked down the stairs on the side of the bridge and join the crowd of people, walking up and down the side of the stream. Both sides are restaurants of all kinds. Passing us were barge like boats with narrators sitting behind tourists narrating the history of the Almos.
At dusk we sat down at an Italian Restaurent and ate dinner. In the night, the place lit up with lights of all kinds of colors, a very beautiful scene.

Sea World: San Antonio
I could see the rollercoaster ride from the freeway but it took us a while to get there. This is Sea World, one of the most popular tourist sites in the state of Texas. The heat at the parking lot wasn't a pleasant experience, but those who were anxious to get in didn't bother. Our tickets were purchased electronically so we were able to pass through the gate easily. Inside were throng of foreigners from all over the world and US gathered.
Feeding dolphins was fun, but the splashing wasn't funny at all! The dolphins were imported to this facility, but the interesting thing is that one of the dolphins was said to have been imported from Solomon Islands. Whether it is true or not, I was glad to hear that.
Of all the shows in the center, Shamu was one that I like the most. Killer- whales performed tricks and other things that made everyone held on to their seats, screamed and laughed. In fact the bond between these killer-whales and the entertainers made the Shamu show very special.
I finally decided to go on the roller coaster ride. It was a heck of a ride, I felt my heart was going to crack open my rib-cages, and yes I felt as if my life were squeezing my life out of me. I felt so freaked out, but I ended the ride without vomitting.
Out of all the riders, I was the only one walked out of that stupid roller-coaster. I couldn't understand why others would want to go again on that nerve-racking ride!

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