
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lonely 2006: Christmas!

For a while I thought that the rain would never stopped. The neighborhood was quiet, it was my first Christmas in Suffolk, and my first quiet December 25th. The rain probably started early dawn because the garage was like a swimming pool. The darkness outside made me thought it was still morning, not until I walked passed the clock toward the Kitchen did I noticed that the time was 11:00 a.m., I had to wrap some gifts for friends and join everyone for Christmas party.
Christmas is a time of happiness, party time. Back home (Bellona Island), I told my friends, Christmas is all about happiness. Off course, some people celebrated it in different ways, be it drinking beer, partying, or sports. To have people engaged in violent and abusive drinking became part of the the normal celebration in the Avaiki islands.
December 2006 is a different story. During Christmas eve, the radio and TV were dominated by Christmas goods, shows, and promotions. Houses all over town were all lit up in Christmas lights and out-side some hardcore Christian homes stood the "nativity scene". In the malls, last minute shoppers paid little attention to the long white bearded old man who was surrounded by little children and anxious parents. "It is, in fact, the high time for sinful Christians to renew their baptismal vows," explained a book I read sometimes ealier.
After the wrappings of my Christmas gifts and other things, we drove to Izzy's parent's house. The drive wasn't bad at all, but the darkness made it alittle uncomfortable. Rain and fog slowed us down and we arrived there some minutes late. We ate, play games, and then opened up gifts. I recieved some gifts-T-shirts, Xbox games, Sweaters, Wallets, and other things. The night went by so fast, but the feelings of happiness lingered. On the road were deers standing on the side watching cars went by, which reminded me of Santa Clause wagons.
The next day, I woke up with literally no energy. I dragged myself down and opened the curtain, it was like yesterday. It was foggy and rainy, a good time to just kick-back at home and play xbox games.
This is my lonely Christmas away from home.

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