
Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Amateur vs the Pro - a huge embarrassing moment looking back!

The election of 2012 demonstrated the naivete of the American voters and president Barack Obama. After a year, one thing is clear and that is the shear amateurism of president Obama, and just how naive American voters were to give Obama; a man without experience on any domestic nor international issue, his second term. Being a couple of years in the Senate is hardly a prerequisite for a strong president. But he won.
Sadly, people attributed his 2008 and 2012 victories to his incredible brilliance, but the truth was simply not there. Obama was a ranked amateur compared to Sen. John McCain - a Vietnam vet, and a war hero who served forever in the Senate. In 2012, Obama was obviously an inexperienced incumbent against the businessman and former of Massachusetts Governor Romney who dealt with international leaders and domestic issues, and as a very successful CEO of a multi-million dollar equity firm - Bain Capital. A man credited for rescuing the US/Salt Lake Olympics. But instead of pressing Obama on many incredible assertions he made during his 2012 presidential campaign, the media was too busy bashing Gov Romney on a string of issues. Turned out, Gov Romney was right all along.
For instance, with Benghazi, Romney was right. It was the Obama administration with their cohorts in the media that quickly called the attack on Benghazi a reaction to an anti-Islam video. In fact, Gov. Romney accused the Obama administration of not condemning the attacking on the US embassy in Egypt hours before the attack on Benghazi, which killed the US ambassador. He didn't mention Libya. Turned out that the Obama administration lied about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi Libya; tying it to the incident in Egypt, which Romney was talking about. Tying the two separate incidents, the Obama administration claimed Romney politicized the deaths of American soldiers. Adding insult to injury - the media didn't call Obama out about this incredible lie, they attack Romney, citing serious insensitivity on the part of the governor. Turned out, Gov Romney was right - the Obama team lied about Benghazi. Now they are trying to run from the old story they drummed up from Rice on five channels, to Obama before the UNGA in 2012. Romney was absolutely right.
Secondly, Romney was lambasted about his views on Russia. Though Romney was right to point out that Russia was a geopolitical foe,not enemy, and Iran a security threat to America, the Obama administration and the leftwing media bombarded him, claiming that the Romney wanted to go back to the 'Cold War" era. But Romney was right. Russia invaded George and showed how far it would go to ensure Russia doesn't look weak in the face of its neighbors. Who could we forget this exchange?

Obama is now paying the price for mocking the brilliant learned prediction of the former Governor of one of the founding States - Massachusetts. In Obama's blind heart, Putin was not a threat, but look what Putin is doing right now. He's calling Obama's bluff by invading Ukraine's territory despite Obama's warning of "consequences". This is Putin showing he didn't really care about Obama; the weakest president ever elected to the lead this great nation.
He even laughed at Romney's prediction that Al Qeada would find new grounds and Mali would be a haven if the US is not doing anything to ensure North Africa is secure. He was laughed at as an ambitious war-mongering candidate. A year after the election, France sent troops to Mali to combat the ever more weakened Mali military which was fighting who? Al Qeada affiliates - Islamic extremists.
The travesty of the election of 2012 is the media defending Obama without checking his preposterous claims and ambitious and outlandish confidence on international issues; claims that totally devoid of truth content, but ones that sounded nice to the ears of the media.
Gov Romney can now go to bed, rest assured that he was right in all counts.
Americans who voted for Obama will have to live with the reality that, off-course, elections have consequences. The biggest single negative consequence of 2012 is the shrinking of the US military and influence in a world of restless change; a world openly hostile to the United States. As the world is gearing up; building military powers and economic security, the Obama administration is too busy dismantling what was built in this country in the last 50 years.
Ukraine is now invaded by Russia, and, as predicted, Obama sounds as a child who's been bullied to no end at primary school. His warnings just fell on deaf years, and whose legacy will go down with him as the man who sat back and watch US allies ravaged by angry powerful bully nations such as Russia and Iran as wolves stranded on land full of starving wolves.
Historians will look back to this day and wonder just why on earth Americans gave their vote for a man who is not interested in a robust economy, strong military, and a clear foreign policy. And a man who was not known, not tested, and never led a corporation, let alone a small business. Historians will be puzzled by this saga.

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