
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Who dominate the news tells the story - not the truth!

One of the things I'd learned from studying government is that who ever dominate the news (media) tells the story; not necessarily the real story. One of my favorite history teachers once asked me why scattered Islands in my country (Solomon Islands) have Spanish names but their history is told on the perspective of Britain. This man spent many years in Micronesia studying the history of the Spanish interaction there. He told me something that stuck with me to this day and that is - those who hold the power write the history, and then said - not the necessarily the true story, just their constructed version of the events. This is true of the political discourses here in the US where truth eclipsed by shrewd political punditry, dishonest reporting, and a brainwashed education system remotely controlled by Democrats in Washington, D.C, and powerful labor unions whose main objective is not "quality education" but money and the rewriting of history.
I'd been in US for seven years and began to notice the idiocy of the Liberal left. I agree with, not only conservatives, but scholars who believe that the Liberal Democrats aren't telling the truth when it comes to media reporting and social welfare of the American people. The media is nothing but a Liberal propaganda. Well, you can say that about any conservative media, although the government is invested heavily on left-leaning mainstream media as opposed to those who sympathized with the right wing (conservative). Over the years, reporters (graduates of the Liberal school of journalism) embraced Liberalism as reflected in their reporting; blasting conservatives while promoting progressive Liberals. And then they suppressed stories that pointed out the dark and bad side of the left. Take two important issues that are at the heart of Liberal, progressive, Democrat party: education and poverty. When things don't go right, Liberal pundits and the media blamed the other side - the conservative Republicans - even when their arguments are all but absurd.
First, education. Education is the key, or so they say, but in US, it is a money generating business for the Liberal left, but to be fair, the right did little to stop it. The establishment of the Department of Education (DOE) made it impossible for states to play a meaningful and effective role in education. What was meant to be a state's affair becomes a massive bureaucracy controlled from D.C. Furthermore, liberal union, dominated by bundlers and cronies of the Democrat party, ensured that teachers pay them massive dues in exchange for their guaranteed career, making it impossible to remove under-performed teachers. This deal sends the education system in US on a nosedive while education levels around the world excelled. But when face accusations, Liberal unions and the Democrat legislators blame the Republican party. US is ranked in the double digit below other countries for this very reason.
Second, poverty. I remember seeing a cartoon which depicted the Democrat "war on poverty" with captions I vividly remember, but words similar to this - 'if you want something to fail, declare a war on it'. That cartoon implies that the "war on poverty" failed miserably just as does the "war on drugs". Why poverty failed? When government creates an office to take care of something, it also creates a massive bureaucracy to administer it, which, in return, hampered the performance of that agency. The socalled "Safety-net" for the poor citizens of this country produces, among many, the following program - money for food (food-stamp), welfare check (check for the unemployed), homeless shelters and others. None of these programs solved the socalled poverty because they weren't meant to be solved by the creation of an office. All the funds going toward these programs ended up in the pockets of middle-men and bureaucrats. A good example of this is Obama's fight for the little guys. In 2008, Obama ran as the agent of "Hope and Change": Where the "sea level" began to lower and poor people become heal and out of poverty. This near messianic approach never even put a dent on the economy, nor the poverty rate in the country. It instead increases the number of people depending on the government and taking away whatever jobs available for them. When confronted with these figures, the media and the Democrats party blamed the Bush administration and the downturn of the economy during the worst recession ever felt in the US, but that is not true. The recession began ended in later 2008 and half of 2009. What was happening after that was a massive take over of private companies and corporations by the US government, and government regulations that did nothing to help the struggling economy, including the government attack on the oil industry under new destructive EPA regulations and taxes. As hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs, the administration spent every single dime under its bailout Act on green technology run by cronies, most of them went bankrupt! A good example of this is Solyndra - a Solar company run by Obama's crony. This company received $500 million in bailout money only to declare bankrupt after few months of operation. Declaring bankruptcy is a legal term referring to a company that seek legal protection against lawsuit. Under the "bankcruptcy law" the struggling company is under no obligation to pay the debt back. In this case, Solyndra only paid a fraction of the loss:
Solyndra, the solar panel company that famously filed for bankruptcy last September, will only be paying back about $24 million of the $527 million loaned to it by the U.S. government, according to Dow Jones reports. The company will also repay at least half of a $70 million investment from private equity firms, but much of a separate $1 billion investment from the private equity industry won't be coming back. Read more
But who did the Democrat blame for the struggling economy and the ineffective poverty policy? The Republican party.
Newt on the smack down. This video is a classic example of how drones from the left sold the misery of these programs to the American people. Notice there's no mention of unions, Democrats, progressive groups, and Obama's failed poverty approach. This man got a serious slap down from the former Republican speaker who knows more about the welfare class the Democrats created than anyone on the panel:

He noted one very important statistic: Poverty rates is higher in Democrat controlled states and cities because these people are not being taken care of by the same political party that created their dependency on government in the first place. They are being pawned by the Democrats under the slogan of "caring for the little ones". All that the Democrats done since Obama got in is what politics called - public relations posturing. Meaning, their effort is only done to paint a positive picture; one that the know-little public can relay on. A "Jobs bill" can't create jobs, it just an Act calling for jobs when the market is bad. And no jobs bill can force a company that is near bankruptcy to employ more people when there's no money to pay them. There's no "Jobs Act" that can ever force people without skills to work at Wall Street or work jobs that pay federal taxes. It impossible. But why doing it? Again, PR imagery is an important commodity in politics. What this pundit failed also to recognize is that Obama took out a trillion dollar bailout and dumped it in the economy in a hope of reversing the debt, but failed. Because its like refilling a broken car and force it to start. That was a total waste of people's money. All the money went to cronies - most of them were people who funded the Obama campaign.
During Newt's time as speaker, the Republicans, forced former President Bill Clinton by way of a majority vote, to work on welfare reform which required all welfare recipients to find a job (minimum wage job) as part of his or her welfare benefits. Those applying for welfare had to get a minimum wage job and a paid career training, which proved extremely effective. This program eventually helped many doled Americans crawled out of their poverty dens and into the middle-class as they became good at what their jobs. Some graduated and worked for living. The number of poverty shrunk, unemployment dropped, and Clinton is credited for creating 25 million jobs. Interestingly, the "work" requirement under this Republican welfare reform was removed by President Obama. As a result, in just over a period of five years, he had added tens of millions back on welfare something that pundits in the media refused to even mention. But who got blame for poverty? The Republicans.
I think its time that the Democrats and their Liberal hacks come to term with reality that when you create a massive dependency class, there's no money floating around to tax, and when socialist agenda forces working people to pay more and produce less, as it is now in France where socialist president taxing rich people even up to 100%, people will stop hiring - especially the part time and minimum wage jobs the poor people depended on for years. When brutal tax policies are instituted, money shifted overseas where they can be out of reach of the government, which is the right of those who earned them. This is why massive taxes don't solve the problems but creating serious debt and financial burdens, not only for the working class, the upper-class, but also those trapped in the safety net. Late Margret Thatcher once said to his socialist counterparts in the House of Commons - 'when you talk about the poor, you rather the power getting poorer, provided the richer get less rich'. Which means, lets destroy the rich so that they don't have the money, and the poor won't have anything to eat. 
The US is a good example of how Liberal progressive (socialist) policies destroy lives and families. In Democrat states, higher taxes drive them to bankruptcy and higher unemployment rate. You can say that about California, Illinois, New York City and Michigan (just to name a few). These are cities that built the American dreams with abundance of jobs and benefits when people worked harder and produced more, but today, Democrats nail-biting taxes and unfunded liabilities such as the multi-million dollar benefits for unions and government workers upon retirement. These cities are barely hanging on. These Liberal cities also have one thing in common - Union power. Where there's union, people don't have the right to work unless they pay dues to unions. Companies who couldn't afford union dues closed their doors and relocated.
On the contrary, the thriving states such as Texas, North Carolina, North Dakota (most of the red-states) are thriving as people are allowed to work without being forced to join unions. Lower taxes means more businesses, more hiring, and few lay-offs. As a result the government collect taxes from these businesses and also from working people. These are things Liberal progressive Democrats hated. In the past year, the beautiful city of Detroit, that city that that revolutionized the auto industry in last few decades, declared bankrupt after decades of Democrat rule with massive deficit and stunning debt.
These are things you don't often hear from the media people, they are too busy blaming Conservative Republicans instead of the massive bureaucracy they'd created. This smack down is one of the many take-downs of Liberal lies by people who know better!

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