
Friday, November 1, 2013

My observations are spot on

snapshot of
Just a few days ago, I wrote my observations regarding numbers and registered users, and hc buyers, and the politics that seems to muddy the water for rational discussions. My observations were actually spot on because the explanation by this administration was flat out dishonest. The tens of millions of visits that the Democrats and the Obama administration had been bragging about, were just empty numbers not numbers of those buying health-insurance insurance, and it is easy to figure this out if you own a site and understand how website works.
But the numbers the Democrats thrown out there are not numbers of people purchasing insurance policies through the website, now I know why the site has a register process - so that the figures can be used to measure the success of the site. However, you can have half a million registered visitors and only a few thousands able to purchase an insurance policy from the exchange. ... So when politicians touted the number of registered users it doesn't mean more than half a million people are able to get medical insurance policy through this website, just registered uses which main be people who already have a policy but want to see what's in there, or perhaps including journalists and reporters trying to see what's in there. This is just another example of politician playing with words and figures to create an image that is not there.
 Today, in spite of the millions of hits on the Healthcare website, only 6 people were able to get healthcare insurance through this website. And even Jay Carney - the White House spokesman - today, admitted that the government expected low turnout for those buying healthcare insurance utilizing this site. So for all the tens of millions of visits that this administration had been touting and bragging about, the outcome is perhaps extremely small than reported.

The Obama administration had anticipated this fiasco right from the start and they did their best to slow its negative effects down. They passed the Affordable Care Act - commonly known as Obamacare - back in 2010 but stunningly reluctant to implement it instantly for fear that this unpopular law could automatically kill Obama's second term in 2012. Furthermore, no Democrat incumbents ran on this socalled "landmark law" and despite the denial of this administration that they didn't anticipate the fallout of this website, much less the massive layoffs because of this law, they chose not to tell the truth! They knew!
First, they knew right from the start that the implementation of ACA prior to 2012 would hurt themselves and president Obama's second bid. Secondly, they selectively implemented portions of the law to please voters and give them the impression that ACA is good for them. For instance, the authorization of Catholic hospitals and clinics to issue pills known for controlling birth which sparked a huge push back from the Catholic church, followed by claiming GOPs hate women (war against women). Finally, just before the the implementation of the ACA just a month ago, the Obama administration - perhaps knowing the inverse effects of the law - announced (not on the floor of the Senate or the House for a vote, nor before a committee) on their website that 'Business Mandate' would be delayed until 2014; an apparent move by this administration to minimize the effects of a full-scale implementation of the ACA building up to the 2014 election (mid-term) of the House, because they know tens of millions of Americans would lose their insurance policies.
Everything surrounding this endless maneuvering of this administration toward the 2014 election is evidence that this administration knew right from that start that this law was created to destroy as many private insurance policies as possible and push Americans into the government controlled HC which means, its crappy quality care. And before the supporters of ACA in the leftwing media and the general public pat each other's back for the lie told over and over again by this administration regarding the true intentions of this administration, they must first know that this government - a government promised to be more transparent than Bush and other prior administrations - is engaging in some of the wildest ridiculous scandals ever known in US history. They simply lied to the public. To believe all this fabrications requires listeners to be utterly dumb! Because this is how the administration view American public today; just outright dumb - just tag along without trying to analyze the real issues. This lies had been issued to everyone speaking on behalf of the Obama administration; Carney and Sebilius echoed the same sentiments.

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