
Monday, November 25, 2013

Insane Obama Administration Decision

Remarks: The recent move by the Obama administration to ease some sanctions against Iran in exchange for a cap on its nuclear program, is insane. Albert Einstein, the world's most brilliant scientist and one that discovered "Atom" and the principle of "Relativity," once said that insanity is 'doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'. How many UN Resolutions on Iran had the Iranian government violated without an repercussion? And why would the US, knowing full well that Iranian government had violated the terms of UN resolutions which prohibiting the enrichment of its Uranium to a nuclear weapons' grade, decided to trust Iran right now? Is it because the Obama administration is rigged with scandals and is looking for a way to wiggle out of the mess? It is unclear at this point why the US chose to negotiate with Iran. It impossible to think Iran will abide by the words of thid agreement. Israel warned, as many conservatives have long warned, that Iran could use such valuable time to further enrich its nuclear capability. Just recently, Aaron Klein of WND - a journalist based in Tel Aviv, Israel, claimed Israel's Mossad are scouting out airfields in Saudi Arabia to launch an imminent attack on Iran. Whether such will come or not, the total undermining of Israel by its only strong ally in the the West, in all these negotiations, is a huge mistake and one that may return to haunt President Obama in ass.

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