President Obama addresses the nation over Syria and his case for an attack on Assad |
It is impossible to assess just how successful a US attack on Syria would be since US intel relies on second and third party sources. Most of the intel provided to US come from Israeli sources (possibly Mossad) and international organizations operating in Syria, and some from the opposition camp. And the analysis of the composition of Rebel fighters, which the US administration used in trying to convince congress, came not from the CIA but from a study carried out by a woman, Elizabeth O'Bagy of a journalist from Wall Street Journal (WSJ), who did a research on the situation in Syria. Her report claimed that Al Qaeda made up a minority of the Rebel fighters only concentrated on the Northern side, but reports on the ground of Jihadists operation on the front-line bring doubt to that report. Right now, President Obama is announcing a pause on US military preparations while Russia takes the proposal of removing Chemical weapons away from Syria to ally Syria. If that fails, US attack may come sooner than later. GOD HAVE MERCY!
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