
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Is US ready for another Clinton?

Former NY Senator and Sec of State Hillary Clinton
The daughter of former US president and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, endorsed her mom on MSNB for president but is US ready for another Clinton and another Democrat president? 
President Obama won the presidential election of 2008 after eight years of economic hardships and a nation growing tired of fighting an endless war. He launched his campaign on based on a new slogan "Hope and Change", accompanying the Democrat endless chant of "Yes We Can". In 2012, after a rough first term (4 yrs), he came up with another slogan  - "Forward" - telling his supporters, they had traveled too far to turn back and pleaded to stay on the course. 
Today, the American people are just tired. They are as tired as they did in the Bush's two terms of fighting against "Terrorism". This time it is different: the policies that supposed to elevate and improve American lives, as promised, turned out to be huge burdens. The Obamacare which aims at reducing healthcare cost of ALL AMERICANS turned out to be a monster : it is projected to increase everyone's health premiums by over 100%. The policies this government puts forward to inject the economy failed to put a dent on the US economy.
The active coal and energy industry came to a screeching halt with Obama's new energy policy which merely prioritizing renewable energy in spite of the fact that green energy only covers a fraction of the American homes. Companies that applied for permits are still waiting to be approved. Offshore drilling companies did move to international grounds. Jobs are hard to come. These are result of a president that doesn't care what citizens are going through daily, and who, prior to running as a Democrat presidential candidate, admitted his plan is to run the coal industry to the ground. 
The Democrats indeed drove a hard bargain by nominating one of the least known and least experienced candidate to compete in the presidential race. They were effective in rallying support in every corner to elect the first black president in US history, but what they created turned out to be a huge failure. In 2010, Democrat candidates across US distanced themselves from the Obama administration. 
This is a man invested most of college years and post college life attacking America, suing banks on behalf of blacks though those blacks weren't able to pay their mortgages lost their homes. This is the man that befriended every American hater he could find around America. But that wasn't a secret either; he wrote about his selection of friends including radicals and Marxists, in one of his books "Dreams from my Father". This is a man that befriended a Marxist anti-American professor at Harvard, taught Law students the philosophies he embraced from that radical professor, which state that WHITE racism is permanent and cannot change. This is the man the Democrats puts up. The repercussions are all too obvious. 
His radical views on America are reflected in his first term. Everything he did behind closed doors are coming out like a scene from a horror movie. Suddenly, people who aren't happy with the way this administration running America started resigning, revealing the Obama administration's contempt for the American way of life. Scandal after scandal coming out to the open in just matter of months - to name a few:

  • Obama-care and Supreme Court
  • Libyan invasion
  • Fast and Furious 
  • Secret Service Sex Scandal (South American tour)
  • Benghazi Attack 
  • IRS Scandal 
  • AP Scandal 
  • Attack on Fox News reporter
  • NSA Scandal 
  • DHS report suppression 
  • and many more .... 
The question now is, who is ready for another Democrat in the White House? Certainly, this question will become center point in the upcoming election year when Americans will return to the polls in 2016. I am sure the American people will turn their back on Democrat party as they did Republican in 2008 and 2012. 
How about former Secretary of State Clinton? She is behind some of the worst scandals in US history and only got away with it because the scandals came out just at the end of her tenure as the head of the State Department. She lied! Running again would only mean, facing  the angry Americans who are still looking for answers as to what really occurred during the attack at the US outpost in Benghazi. When the truth comes out, she will be caste aside just like every other losers on election day.
What on people's mind is not a war against the Syrian military which at this point backed by the Iran and Russia. Not the fancy speeches Obama gives across the state as he continues his nationwide campaign for 2012. The American people know what Obama had done to this great country, they become fools for supporting a fool. They want jobs and opportunities, two things President Obama and the Democrats party didn't prioritize. 

I am pretty sure that voters will turn their attention to the Republican party - the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. The party of small government, lower taxes, and opportunities. The party that prioritize the US constitution and laws and not pandering to a particular ethnic groups. This is the party that can revive the US economy. 
Next four years, the chances of the Republican party to win back the HOUSE is higher than an 2008 and 2012. The Democrats will have to defend their failed policies, including Obama which many Democrats are running away from, and it will take a miracle to win. 
But the question remains, is the US ready for another Clinton? It is hard to believe they are. The open rejection of then US Senator Hillary Clinton at the Democrat primary of 2008 demonstrated the fact that Americans don't want to see another Clinton in the White House.

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