
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DOMA Declared Unconstitutional by USSC

Same-sex couples at the USSC in Washington, D.C
Today - June 26, 2013 - marks the end of the definition of 'Marriage" in United States. The Supreme Court - the ultimate interpreter of the US constitution - ruled that the Federal government cannot tell who someone should marry. This ruling shot down the "Defense of Marriage Act" - a landmark bill signed to law by Democrat president and hero of the Liberal-left, Bill Clinton. The law defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. 
This ruling is a slap on the face of American voters who voted overwhelmingly to protect DOMA. Even in the liberal state of California, voters voted against legislative attempts to change that law. Now, the law has been declared unconstitutional by the USSC, giving samesex couples all kinds of opportunities they were denied in the past. 
The question becomes, if the "definition" of marriage is thrown out, is it now legal for polygamists and women engaging in polygyny to get married? This ruling has opened up a can of worms that will return to bite the proponents of samesex marriage and their cohorts in Congress and the Supreme Court in the near future. 

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