
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Attack on Thomas demonstrates pure racism in Democrat Party

Justice Thomas - First Black (Republican)
 Supreme Court Justice
The senseless attack on Justice Clarence Thomas of the US Supreme Court is absolutely stunning and racist at best by a member of the Democrat party. The Democrat party prides itself of being a party of "diversity" and often time called Republican party a racist, bigoted party. But the attack on Justice Thomas by blacks and Democrat Caucasian drones such as Ryan Winkler  calling him "Uncle Thomas" - a racist term, is indeed disturbing and should be condemned in the strongest term possible. 
Today, the USSC by a vote of 5-4 threw out a portion of the "Voting Right Act":

The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a key provision of the landmark Voting Rights Act cannot be enforced unless Congress comes up with an up-to-date formula for deciding which states and localities still need federal monitoring. Read More

The reaction from the Liberal left is quite interesting. This is the party of so-called "progressive Liberals" - those who often discredited the validity of the US Constitution as just an old document. The Democrat party is infuriated by the USSC's decision to declare this portion of the "VRA", which for decades robs states of their right to formulate their own electoral laws and regulations. The racial discrimination of the South forces congress to regulate this area of the "voting" law. Interestingly, this portion of the VRA is what Democrats don't want to see removed or revoked for obvious reasons. It is the only way the Democrat party can regulate Southern States which they deemed "racist" in every turn. Despite Liberals calling for a more progressive approach to the laws of the nations including their support for open border and advocate for giving criminal aliens living in USA total amnesty - also known as automatic citizenship. They don't want to see this "voting right" thrown out. 
For the President and Eric Holder, the ruling is shocking. Their reactions are all too apparent - reflective of their own long held views that racism in USA is permanent despite the fact that Southern States are led by leaders of Indian, Mexican, and Asian heritage. President Obama's best friend at Harvard was Prof. Derrick Bell, a lawyer who taught that racism is not going anywhere and that it is permanent. In fact, Obama admired his teaching so much that he even had his students at the University of Chicago read, as mandatory texts, Bell's books and taught them race theories. And a couple of years ago, the US Attorney General Eric Holder, accused lawmakers that prosecuting Black Panthers would be a slap on the face of HIS PEOPLE - the black people. This is rather stunning since he is the AG of the entire country not just his people. Apparently, the two most powerful human beings in the US don't believe racism is a thing of the past. Is that mean racial discrimination had vanished from this country? Off course not! Racism is found everyone in the world whether it is Japanese or Asians against African America, or Caucasian against Jews and Arabs; it exists everywhere because its part of our human journey in this world of shifting values. 
The "voting right" law was, in my view, only relevant to a bygone era when race played a huge role in electing leaders in the South. That law was relevant to the election of West Virginian Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, a sworn KKK senator, elected by Democrats to help fight the "Civil Rights" movement. He served as a proud Democrat - hailed by Democrat leaders till his passing, as a man of values and integrity. That was the era when such Act highly relevant, but today, that portion of the VRA is doing nothing to unify Southerners of all ethnic groups but giving a perpetual stigma to the Southern states where race integration is far better than any other places in the Union. 
Congratulations to the Five Conservative justices who voted to strike this portion  of the VRA because we don't need to be reminded everyday that racism was the reason why such law was enacted in congress. US is far removed from this era and it is time to throw that piece of legislation out the door!

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