
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dispecable display of disrespect from Leftist intolerant idiots

The Democrat party killed a congressional bill aimed to honor Margret Thatcher for her heroic contributions to US successes during the cold-war era. Now we know that the Democrats hated Thatcher the same way Communists did during the cold war. What's that say about the kinds of beliefs the Democrat party espoused in the world today? 
The videos of intolerant leftist Brits celebrating in the streets of UK hours after the passing of one of the world's strongest leaders, and the only powerful female prime minister of Britain, Margret Thacher, is absolutely despicable and disrespectful. Politics should be pushed aside and relatives of deceased leaders should be allowed to grieve in private. However, the reaction to the death of Thacher demonstrated the intolerant leftists who demanded respect when they never gave others the kinds of respect they demanded. For decades, England was run by socialist sympathizers, liberal outrageous spenders, and unionists who served - not the greatest empire on earth - only themselves and their cohorts. The rise of Thatcher and the conservative
movement arguably saved Britain from total financial collapse. In doing so she had to make tough decisions including shutting down union exploitative operations, building a strong upper class and a vibrant middle-class while elavating the standard of living of poor Brits through a healthy economy and jobs to be had. For a while, leftist socialists sympathizers fought unsuccessfully to unseat her until she resigned. She left office successfully fighting off the Euro Dollar and the establishment of an European parliament - things she called European's political products that weren't in the best interest of the British people. She also predicted that once the EURO is established and socialistic policies took over monetary operations in Europe, Germany - the only strongest economic powerhouse in Europe - would be left alone to bail them out and that is exactly what happen during this global financial meltdown. Germany and France were forced to bail out Greece and now Cypress. She was obviously a visionary and a powerful politician who knew what she was doing.
After leaving office, the leftist liberal parties came together and ruled England, and not only did they squandered everything Thatcher built for Britain, they driven this powerful country into the brink of financial collapse in a period of mere two decades. It takes another conservative, David Cameron, to pull the nation off financial ruins, implementing similar policies.
For those who detested the "Iron Lady", she had exited politics for more than two decades and it is absolutely ridiculous to see that instead of these idiots fighting the corrupt dealings of the leftist coalition, and the liberal policies that is ruining UK, they decided to take to the street in shameful rejoice of the death of this once great leader. Needless to say that the Soviet Empire feared her more than any other male leader in UK history because she had the balls that many male prime ministers of UK didn't in prior years. She forged a stunning close relationship with former Soviet leader Gorbachev, and the US president Ronald Reagan, and essentially brought - peacefully - the Soviet empire to an end. 

Today she will be remembered by those who love Democracy, and by those who revered the leaders who contained and eventually killed the rise and expansion of Communism in the world! 
I SALUTE THE "IRON LADY" - may her soul rests in peace with our Lord! 

Below are some of her finest moments:
Thatcher taking on Socialists in the House of Commons.

Addressing the Motion of No Confidence.

Last stand

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