
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When American Media Committed Journalistic Terrorism!

Honest reporting is objective reporting, but you can't find that in US media today. For a while the left-wing media had been abusing this journalistic principle. Notorious of all is  NBC, which constantly and deliberately edited video clips to push liberal agenda, and when caught, they either apologize or just giving excuses, no matter how ridiculous the explanations are. For instance, last year when Romney and his running mate Ryan appeared before a crowd of supporters, the crowd chanted "Romney Romney Romney" in which the GOP candidate replied - no no "Romney Ryan, Romney Ryan".
The disgusting, despicable  dishonest NBC - the known apologist network for President Obama and the Democrats - decided to edit it by lowering the audio and captioning the clip giving viewers the impression that supporters didn't chant Romney but Ryan. This ridiculous network created the impression that Romney interjected - No no "Romney Ryan ... Romney Ryan". Off course, those who attended the event called radio stations and complained, soon the video disappeared but NBC never apologized. This is the network that also edited video clips of Zimmerman that portrayed him as a racist bigot neighborhood watch man who killed the Trayvon Martins because he was simply black. When the 9/11 full audio came out, the 9/11 NBC version was obviously deliberately distorted in an attempt to fuel racial tension in Florida. I call this "journalistic terrorism!" 
Also CNN and MSNBC and few others leftwing media outlets recently aired video clips of men carrying injured men from Israeli airstrike. The video turned out to be staged because the full video showed the man whom was supposedly injured was walking around, but these media hacks continued showing it anyway. How the hell did they get away with this crap? 
And yes ABC is doing it again! ABC edited audio of Michelle Obama claiming that the girl who killed in Chicago days after performing at Obama's inauguration ceremony was murdered with automatic gun which is contrary to police reports. She obviously was clueless and ABC knew it. She was using her appearance to push forward Obama's anti-gun control proposals by either lying or assuming the little girl was shot with an automatic gun. In their final edition, ABC chopped out the word "automatic", but when caught, they said they did it for time constraints? How stupid and how foolish of this network to make such a claim. 
Media objectivity is nowhere to be found here in America, both on the left and somewhat on the right. The level of arrogance and abuse of media responsibility is all too transparent now! Making every reporting from all these media outlets completely laughable. Who is going to believe the garbage coming out of these media trash networks? This is absolutely disgusting!!  

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