
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

SINTA - Time to Improve our Education System!

The teachers' strike only hurts innocent children, not the government. This perpetual tug-of-war between Union administrators and government payers, but how about a competitive quality education? 
Solomon Islands' education, in my own opinion, needs a serious overhaul and SINTA should be front line it. Take a look around the country; the best schools - ones that produced the brightest kids - are mostly privately owned schools and where teachers aren't hired on the basis of how much the government spent on their education (investment) rather by virtue of one's qualification and experience. They aren't paid by government, owing little or nothing to the government, and aren't member of any union in the country. They are paid by for the job they do and by the results they bring. Isn't it time that the Solomon Islands took a break from this endless political tug-of-war and concentrate on improving our education system? Its about time our government leaders and SINTA work together to improve the quality of our education. 
I am sure SINTA thrives on membership strength but with that comes a huge price - a downgraded quality of education. The SINTA's dministrators' main agenda is money money money and I've never heard any serious movement by the SINTA and the Ministry of Education to improve the performance of our schools. The quality of our education system has created, over the years, a huge gap between the most privileged to the most disadvantaged children in the country. Those who have the money and are able to send their children to private schools are a very small minority, living majority of the country to the mercy of unqualified, untrained, and ill-prepared certified teachers. 
My point is, yes teachers do deserved their pay check but what is there for SINTA to show for? SINTA should use such enthusiasm in order to improve our education. 

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