I have watched the recent GOP debate from midnight till early in the morning and I must say that those who didn't watch the debate will forever fall prey to the deliberate cut-and-edit of the Perry's gaffe, which is now dominating the entire left-wing gossip media and many Liberal websites.
It is true that he had indeed threw dust in the air when he didn't remember the third agency he planned to eradicate if elected president. But to judge him based on a minute long clip, is quiet unfair considering Perry's tremendous background and political and economic achievements.
To the left-wing gossipers, Perry is done! They've ruled him out! But if the Liberal media wants to destroy Perry based on this short - loss of memory moment - they are indeed wrong, and that judgement simply foolish. Look if these bloopers hold everyone to that standard, we would never witness the first African American president, nor would Vice President Joe Biden be permitted, let alone elected, to hold his current job. In my opinion, the two men that are now leading America - the President and his VP - made serious gaffes that the left-wing media completely ignored. Instead of reacting to these mess as professional journalists, they tried to explain what may have gone wrong and tried to put a positive spin on it. Below are some of the worst moments of the two leaders, the president and his VP.
Here, Obama obviously didn't mess things up, he didn't forget the number of States in United States, which is 50. He firmly believe that US has 57 states. Territories aren't included because they don't vote on presidential election. In Liberal standard, Obama is completely dumb!
Its all about the "3 Letter Word" Jobs - J.0.B.S - thats four letters fool. For someone to say its about the three letter word and spelled out a four letter word is indeed laughable.
This is the president of America trying to explain medical procedures in relation to medical costs and got completely lost. Was the Liberal media calling it a "time-over" or "time-out" for Obama? Off course not, the media loves him and they came up with countless explanations as to why he screwed up.
So I think Perry's own moment, a few seconds from the two hours he was there, is a minor issue. He is running for the office of the President as a commander in chief and also as an executive officer of this great country, and yes if he becomes President, he'll be giving speeches - which Perry is more than capable of. The most important responsibility the resident is "making wise" decisions and coming up with 'economic driven' policies and not the 'class-warfare' Obama had been promoting since taking office in 2009. As the longest serving governor of Texas, Gov. Perry made more executive, tough, and important decisions for his state than Obama himself. He will be a job creator, not just a teleprompter reader!
Having said that, let me make some predictions here.
My Prediction for the GOP primary
After all these, I can see a shift and major shakeup in the GOP primary in weeks and months to come, determined by voters themselves. The front runners now will be out of the scene. I base this prediction on two things - the polls and the performance of the candidates themselves.
I predicted that if the Cain's campaign decided its not worth running anymore, and if Perry decided to quit, all those supporters will go to the next ultra-conservative candidate. They may not choose Bachman and Santorum because they aren't good in debates, and run on thin political careers. Bachman is a Congresswoman who hasn't done anything that impact the nation, and virtually unknown to many voters. Santorum is a conservative man, but also quite unknown and lack the ability to raise funds or attract donors.
Gingrich is not only very smart, but he knows how to irritate political analysts and the media. He knows when to ridicule the media and how to shoot back when a particular question is not sound reasonable. He may be the only conservative "alternative" to Romney.
The only problem though is that he has a past and even if he said he had asked the Lord for forgiveness for cheating on his wife, he will come under the vicious attack of the media if he soared in polls like they did Herman Cain.
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