
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Political Arrogance -- Tucson, Arizona Massacre!

I am appalled by the political blame-game hours after the horrible shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D) and others at her rally in Tucson, Arizona by a sick man. The level of arrogance of politicians of this country is ever more disgusting. The media is also flaming such arrogance by quickly point fingers at political opponents of the Congresswoman.
While it is impossible to prove beyond a shed of doubt that the Republican party's campaign rhetoric ever contributed to the fiasco, the Democrats are doing exactly what they are actually good at; trying ropes of different sizes and lengths. In other words, they would compare and contrast things and events that aren't even related or matched in any way, shape of form.
Their target is former Governor of Alaska and former VP candidate, Sarah Palin. Why? It is simply a tactical move to blame the fiasco on a woman whom the Conservatives of this country look to as a potential 2012 presidential candidate. When Sarah Palin ran in 2008 as a VP, the base who were reluctant to support the Liberal Republican nominee John McCain became animated and actively participated in the electoral process in such a way that never before seen in the Republican leadership. Thus, tying Palin to the whole saga is coldly and malicious calculated move.
The irony is this: can we blame the Black Panther's voter intimidation on President Obama's campaign rhetoric? Off course not.
There is no substitute for insanity and this case is a huge example of the kind of cases that could have been avoided had not the "political corrected" laws of this country are redefined to protect the innocent people. For instance, that man was an insane man whom classmates and fellow acquittance declared insane and capable of killing people, yet the police were unable to touch him for fear of being sued. According to the law, he is not a guilty man unless he had committed serious offence. In other words, before Gov. Palin and the Republican contenders made their statements, this man had already made serious threats to individuals, teachers, and friends. To say that the Republican candidates and Tea-party leaders motivated him to shoot a Democrat Congresswoman is incredibly stupid!!
In retrospect, this is the kind of crisis that Obama's Chief of Staff, R. Emmanuel, alluded to in the past. He made the comment not to let a "good crisis" go to waste or something close to that statement. This is what Democrats are good at; they always seized the opportunity to exploit crisis for their own benefit even if that crisis had nothing to do with either party.

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