
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama may be a single Term President

I remember observing President Barrack Hussein Obama's inaugural speech and his first year in office and made the following remarks to my friends, 'Obama maybe a one term president'. After a year and half, going on two years into his administration, president Obama is showing every symptom of a one term president. Besides all his optimisms and "don't worry" speeches to his cohorts and supporters, the truth is that he is shaken deep inside. As he did on the campaign trail (2008), President Obama never exhibited one ounce of fear and intimidation, but he needs a real miracle to get re-elected. The saddest, however, is that in politics miracle comes only once. His miracle had gone dry.

5 Reasons why Obama will be a one term president

1. Healthcare (Obamacare). HC in United States is a capitalism enterprise in which Americans are free to chose their HC providers and doctors. This is how it works: Your doctor keeps your healthy while your insurance is paying for it (every time you visit your doc). You pay the Insurance company a monthly fee. While it is the most effective way of receiving a better quality medical service, not all people or families can afford a good deal. The premiums (the expensive service) had skyrocketed over the years and President Obama vowed to change it to a single payer system. This European style system is based on the idea that the government is the only provider of HC services, and in many cases, private HC providers are often subsidized by the government. This system, many argued, destroys the quality health care system that Americans deserve. Many fear that instead of having a private doctor perform a critical surgery on your, you'll have to wait in line just as in Canada and in UK. Over the years, an influx of Canadians and UK, even Europeans, come to US for instant treatment. That, critics argued, would change under President Obama's plan.
When asked if he wanted a single payer system, President Obama denied it. He repeatedly saying that he is not going to change the HC system in US to a socialistic one, but audio and video of him say just the opposite. In these clip, President Obama stated that it will take a while to bring America to a single payer...

Part of Obama's strategy is to squeeze the private HC Providers out of business by establishing a government run extremely cheaper HC program. He claimed, in his own voice caught on camera, that eventually all Americans will turn to the government to provide for their HC needs.
Noticed how he lied about ever trying to take over the HC industry, which is exactly what he did. I mean, this is the man who laid out his strategy of killing the private insurance companies on videos then denied ever trying to turn the whole nation to the a single-payer system. In this video he said that he wanted America to become a single payer system and even said that it will take a while to transition from the current system to a single payer system. He kept denying it!
Polls showed about 70% of Americans didn't want the proposed overhaul of the HC system and Senator Brown of Massachusetts won the senate race with a single promise i.e. killing Obama's filibuster proof to pass the HC Bill pending before the Senate.
Listened to the Democrats trying to sell this whole pathetic idea and got booed by their own constituents. Surprisingly, President Obama went on pushing through this reform using the "slaughter rule" which means the the HC overhaul didn't have to go through the Senate floor which requires 60 votes for fear of being defeated. It was passed with a PARTISAN majority!

2. Immigration Issues: Suing of the State of Arizona. President Obama ran on post-racial mantra but so far he turned out to be the biggest divider of race and ethnicity. The Arizona anti-Illegal Immigration law is the most misrepresented law in United States. Because of the failure of the Feds to enforce its immigration law, Arizona had become the most violent state in America and dubbed the "kidnapping capital" of the world. This is a state that shares a border with Mexico and one that had seen a rise in crime rates over the years. As a result, Arizona decided to create its own anti-illegal immigration law which is in many ways mirroring the Federal immigration law. President Obama's administration decided to sue Arizona for creating a law that crosses legal jurisdiction, arguing that it is the Fed's responsibility (that is) to enforce immigration laws, not the State.
Despite the fact that about 60+% of Americans support the Arizona law, 50% of Hispanics, and 70% of Arizonans support it, the Obama administration sued Arizona. The Fed Judge ruled in favor of the feds and setting a bad relationship between the Feds and States. President Obama, as usually, claimed that the law would allow police officers to question you if you are a Hispanic going to buy ice-cream. That is not true. Furthermore, the US Attorney General accused Arizona of creating a law that is racist in nature, but then confessed he had never read the Arizona law. Watch this video of him.

This is the US AG arguing that the Arizona Law allows racial profiling despite the fact that the AZ anti-immigration law prohibits in strong terms "racial profiling."
However, the question whether a State doesn't have the right to make legislation overstepping legal jurisdiction is in true, but one that also calls for interpretation and interpretation based on the substance of the state law. For instance, the Federal law requires that all State laws must align themselves with Federal law. In other words, any State law that doesn't go along with the Federal law must be challenged in court or ruled "unconstitutional". With that point, the Arizona state didn't in any way crossed the bounds of the Federal jurisdiction. If the Feds main argument lies merely on the enforcement of border, then the Feds is wrong to incapacitate a State because the Federal law also requires all state laws to be aligned with the Federal law, by which case the AZ didn't violate the constitution. That State laws requires that all illegal immigrants arrested would be turned over to the Feds for deportation. Arizona anti-illegal immigration law ONLY mirrors the federal law.

This is the USA AG again confessing he didn't read the AZ anti-immigration law. Even if he didn't read the law, why the hell did the US AG continued attacking AZ?
This is the Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano arguing about the AZ, but when asked whether she reads it... things changed! Watch what she said about the AZ Anti-Immigration law.

This is her accusing AZ Anti-Immigration of taking the resources away from the DHS, and also making certain remarks as if she read the law. She talked about it in length but here she is a month later when asked if she read the law. Her answer?

Her answer was NO I didn't read the law. What the heck!These are the people the sued Arizona anti-immigration law. They already concluded that law is racist even if they didn't even take a peak at it? Do these people have any shed of credibility left? I don't think so.

3. Race. President Obama ran on post-racial issues trough out the campaign trail. He was voted in by 90% of blacks, about half of the white voters, and majority of Hispanics, yet there are instances since taking office that shows show divisive his administration had become. President Obama himself exploits race for his advantage, accusing whites and siding with blacks. For example when a police office arrested a professor for not cooperating, President Obama, without knowing the facts and admitted he didn't know the facts, claimed that the cop was arrested because he was black, which is not the case. The police officer was called by a woman who saw a man as if he was breaking in to a house. When the police man arrived at the scene, the man was the owner of the house. He accused the police officers of RACISM to a point that even when the cop stepped out, he followed him yelling and screaming at which point the officer turned and arrested him. Things didn't go down as the president claim. This is the first time for a president to make racial remarks on an issue he didn't know the details and not even being challenged by the media.

Notice that president Obama explained everything as if he was there even if he confessed earlier he didn't know the whole truth. He also made claims that blacks and Hispanics are pulled over every time because of their race which is not true also.
This is what happened according to the Police officer.
To appease Americans, President Obama invited the police officer and the professor to the White House. Knowing that the occasion would be eaten up in seconds by the media, he held the meal-reconciliation meeting outside the WH when the temperature was extremely hot.
The controversy over race perpetuated by the White House didn't stop there. During the presidential election of December 2008, two Back Panthers, a racist organization that openly hates white people, intimidated voters. One of them had a welded knife and eye-witnesses testified that the two men stopped them from entering the polling station because they were Republican voters. That was a federal crime and the Bush administration decided to press charges against the two. The government won and the two men were waiting sentencing. President Obama's administration, however, dropped the case for no apparent reason other than to appease the blacks people.

The Obama administration just dropped the case despite the fact that the Department of Justice brought charges against the Black Panthers and won. The Obama administration dismissed all the charges for no reasons at all; no explanation. One of the prosecutors resigned in protest. This is supposed to be the post-racial administration and this will be one of the reasons why President Obama get booted off after his first term.

4. Terrorism and Islamic Extremism. The terrorists were scared of President Bush. Since taking office, the President Obama is determined not to address the focus on the war on terror. So far, terrorists have tried a few times to attack the US. They sensed his weakness as the commander in chief of the US armed forces. In his watch:
  • Major Nadal Hasan, an Islamic US Army Psychiatrist who had clear links to terrorist camps in Yemen, shot and killed more than a dozen US Army personnel and the administration didn't really take it seriously.
  • A Nigerian whose father warned America of his son radicalization was allowed to board a place from Amsterdam to Chicago and tried to blow up the plane with an explosive embedded in his underwear only to be tackled by passengers.
  • An SUV parked at Time Square, New York, was discovered to have been filled with explosives massive enough it could have cause a huge damage. The man was arrested as he attempt to flee US. The explosives failed to explode and US was again lucky.
These are attempts by people of common interest; they are all Muslims. However, when asked if Islamic Extremists are at work with the US, the US Attorney General refused to answer it with a yes or no answer. Watch how the US AG answered this simple YES or NO question regarding Islamic Extremism.
It is simply impossible for President Obama and his administration to sway American opinions when it comes to terrorism. The fact is, everyone that attacked American in the last two decades were recruit from Mosques, received blessings from Imams and used the passage in the Qu'ran to justify their killings of Americans and foreign nationals.
Since taking office, the Obama administration most of the time refused to talk about 'War on terror', arguing that it was a Republican concocted conspiracy to expand American influence in the region. Ironically, that mantra had soften up when three attempts on America all tied to radical Islam.
Lately, President Obama, again, sided with Islam. 9/11 brought US to its knees and had changed the world forever. The US pursued those responsible from Afghanistan to Iraq. Those who hijacked the planes and flew to the Twin Towers did so in the name of Allah. Even if the advocates of Islamic peace denied that Islam had anything to do with 9/11, the truth remains that Islam and the Koran inspired these men to attack America whom they saw as the infidel. However, in an interesting twist, an Islamic center with a Mosque are proposed to be build a couple of blocks from 'Ground Zero'. While 70% of Americans don't want the Mosque built the ground Zero, President Obama chose to support the idea of building the mosque.
This President Obama speaking in support of the Mosque.

A day later, he backtracked and claimed that he only talked about our freedom to build anywhere but not the decision to build the mosque. An obvious contrast to what he said earlier. After his statement, a poll shows more Americans believing Obama is a Muslim.
Not only did President Obama contributing to the hysteria and the animosity expressed on both sides, but he twisted the issue. The mosque, in my view, is not about the Freedom of Religion. There are thousands of mosques around United States. This is about respecting the majority of Americans who are still scarred by the atrocity committed against their nation by radical Muslims. To have a 15 story mosque hovering over the big hole where the two biggest towers, the symbol of capitalism, is indeed insensitive. Hiding behind the cover of the constitution is something the Liberal Democrats love. It is preposterous to thing that building a mosque where terrorists attacked America and where 3,000 innocent beings died would bring the country together. It is just the opposite. President Obama again find himself on the wrong side of issues.

After stirred up the nation by speaking about the rights and freedom of Muslims to build any mosque anywhere in the US, President Obama came under heavy criticisms, even within his on inner circle. His reaction to the mosque controversy is either a clear indication of his inexperience with public relation, or an outright endorsement of his deep hatred for the country he is now heading.

5. Economy. After a year and a half drumming up the Healthcare debate and shoving legislation after legislation against the will of the American people, President Obama is now focused on the economy. After destroying the private sector, after taking over the major corporations throughout the country, after manipulating figures and polls to make a point, after giving out hundreds of millions of dollars without a single sign the money helps the economy, he is now trying to fix the economy. Does this make sense at all?
A good analogy is this: A man seeing a house collapsing, he rushes to that house and instead of fixing it, starts knocking off bricks and just when the building is about to collapse, he decides to fix it. How dumb is that? This is the attitude President Obama has toward to the economy.


Many black people realized that President Obama is making things extremely hard for them and are moving away from him. This lady accused Obama of support Late Term Abortion or Partial Birth Abortion where babies are killed on birth and for not supporting efforts to open up public schools to colored children; or giving more freedom to Blacks kids to chose which school to attend. These is an intelligent black women who doesn't see issues based on skin or race but on merits!

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