It is interesting to watch the fall-out of the Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) saga in the media. The Democrats successfully passed a resolution, formally denouncing and reprimanding their colleague in a 270 to 179 Resolution-a highly partisan resolution. The Democrats are turning Rep. Wilson from an unknown politician in to a hero to those who love America, a man whom many see as the lone voice against White House's Socialism agenda. His only crime was screaming out to the President while addressing a "Join session" of the Congress, "You lie". Interestingly, the Democrats came out swinging as if Rep. Wilson committed the most heinous crime! The irony is that Rep. Wilson called the White House and apologized to the President shortly after, but the Democrats weren't satisfied, they wanted his head on a plate and they got it!
The "Holier than thou" attitude by the Democrats doesn't help President Barrack Obama at all. The Democrats are so quick to attack a Republican Representative while ignoring some of the worst corrupt Democrat Representatives and Senators who have defiling the Congress and its protocols for decades. No Democrats ever contemplated reprimanding the Speaker of the House for claiming that the CIA lied consistently to the Congress when records show evidence to contrary. How about reprimanding Rep. Charlie Rangel who cheated on his Taxes while chairing the "Ways and Means" committee? How about the Attorney General whose relationship with controversial figures and known to have assisted in granting pardons to some of the America's most wanted during the Clinton's year? How about the new appointed Supreme Court Justice, Sotomayor, who was a member of a Racist organization of Hispanic Americans and was appointed a Supreme Court Justice? The Democrats certainly didn't feel the need to apologize to the Office of the President when booing President Geroge Bush when he was addressing a Congress combine session some years back, and constantly calling him a Liar!
Lets see these hypocrites:
This is Rep. Charlie Rangel being confronted about failure to pay taxes by a reporter!
This is Speaker Pelosi caught lying about being briefed by the CIA about 'enhanced' interrogation, but her name appeared on logs that she was present when officials were briefed.
This is President Bush being booed by the Democrats themselves while addressing the Dems and Reps in join session.
Here are the Democrats calling President Bush a "liar": Ironically, there was no resolution to reprimand them on the floor of the House because the Democrat Hacks didn't see a need for it!
Now the interesting thing part of this whole saga is the way Democrats voted in this resolution. It shows a number of New York Representatives voted against this resolution which many speculated to be a strategy to gain support from the Republicans once NY Rep. Charlie Rangel faces similar resolution in the future.
RACE: A Stunning Twist!
Another unexpected argument cooked up by Democrat hacks is the "race" argument. Many Democrat rats have been trying their best to make the Rep. Wilson's outburst a racial issue; citing the Rep's acceptance of the Confederate flag that many black believe symbolizes racism in the South. Others pointed to banners, card-boards, signboards, and hand made signs carried by Tea party participants in Washington DC last weekend, as signs of racial discrimination against President Obama. Racism has become the "last resort" avenue of the Democrat Party; it acts like a switch that Democrats reached for when odds are on their side. They resorted to calling opponents racists on basically any issue(s) to do President Obama's administration. Which means that when honest Republicans criticize Obama on Healthcare, for instance, they are called racists. When Americans protest against Obama's tax hike, they are called (by Democrats) racists! When they held up banners criticism President Obama on Socialism, they are accused of racism!
Just how on earth should Americans proceed from here if critics of the President are nothing more than racists? Are we going to see a different culture of racism in Washington DC? Off course yes!
Another idiot appeared in this debate a couple of days ago: Former failed President and anti-Semite, Jimmy Carter. He said the following:
This comment is not only stupid as it contrasts everything that took place right at beginning of the Presidential campaign, but it depicts the irony upon which the Democrat party is built on. The majority of White voters voted for Barrack Obama and if racism is the reason why Americans are beginning to be fearful of Obama's policies today, then is it fair to accuse black people of racism. About 90 percent of African Americans voted for Obama, just imagine that that 90 percentage of the white race voted for a white candidate! How about criticizing the president himself of racism for filling in most of the major jobs in his administration with black people? the Attorney General, the US Ambassador to the UN are black, and how about the case brought against two Black Panthers activists who threatened voters at the poll that was tossed out by a black Attorney General? How about the self-proclaimed Communist and Green activist, Van Jones, who was, despite his racist remarks against "White America", appointed as a government Czar only to be resigned after his racist comments became media frenzy. Why is it that black people are so comfortable in accusing White people of racism anyway?
Its been seven months into his presidency and President Obama and his drones and fellow Democrats failed miserably to unite the entire country as President Obama promised in his acceptance speech. Through out the campaign trail, Preisdent Obama made "Post Racial America" one of his campaign themes! But he had indeed divided American more than any other president, and the irony is that he had only been in the White House for only seven months. I wonder how many more racial issues will the country go through in the remaining three and a half years of his administration.
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