A Government for the MPs, by the MPs, and for the MPs of SI?
Solomon Islands maybe the second Zimbabwe if we let our leaders get away with corruption. SI's inflation is ever growing with the governments taxes on imported goods remained one of the highest in the world. The local products that ought to be cheaper have doubled in price at a space of four yeas. A few examples: a 20 kgs of bag-rice (main staple of SI) went from $55 a bag in 2005 to $120 a bag in 2009 ($250 in the provinces), and Taiyo shot up from $2.50 to $8-$10 a small second grade can ($15.00 in provinces) in four years. The airfare to my Island Bellona went from $500 one-way in 2005 to $990 ($1,900 both ways) today. In fact, it is more expensive to go to Bellona Island than going to Brisbane, Australia. What the hell! Gas price shot up as well and the list goes on.
However, the government fails to make life bearable for us ordinary people. While the ordinary people suffer through this sudden increase in the cost of goods and services, the government increased its bureaucracy with another pending proposal that if passed could increase the number of MPs by 20. While the ordinary people suffer this ridiculous inflation, the government decided to increase their pay, their life-time pension, awards, entitlements, and even payment for their spouses who, under this proposal, could take home about ten times the salary of a certified Nurses, Teachers, and police officers.
What Should Solomon Islanders do?
I don't condone violence against the government, but there are peaceful ways to protest this ever expanding government bureaucracy and the abuse of legislative power for the benefit of the MPs and not the people. These are ways to make your disagreement against the government heard.
1. Peaceful Protest. The civil society, led by the same group that marched to the PM's office during the appointment of Julian Moti, must again lead the people and present to the PM and his government the demand of the people. The demands should be careful drafted and reviewed by the leaders of this peace-protest with copies handed out to all participants.
2. Warn MPs. Have provincial governments signed petitions against MPs. These petition should be signed by everyone in every constituency; in it, the ordinary people demand that their MPs must go against this PEC proposal. Refusing to fighting against this PEC proposal means that they wont have any chance in the upcoming national election.
Come on people, don't write to the Solomon Star News paper, get you asses up and do something about it!
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