
Monday, April 8, 2013

Redefining Marriage against People's Vote

Gays just married
Today, as I am getting ready for a visitor who will be here in a couple of days, I tuned in to one of the national broadcasting radios - conservative voice, and listened. The issue of gay-marriage (or samesex marriage) dominated the first two hours of the broadcast, with people from both side of the aisle calling in to express their support and, from the opposite side, disgust over the proposal. 'Gay marriage' constitutional debate is underway in the US Supreme Court, Washington, D.C. and it the issue drives straight into every American home. This is my view on the issue. 

Democracy is about the rights of the people to express their voices and participate in the political processes of the nation. And it is no surprise that after more than two century of existence, United States' values beginning to crumble - gradually, and its not because the majority of the people wanted it but because leftwing special interest groups constantly bombarding this countries with all kinds of ways including to push through unpopular policies, their domination of the legal justice system, and individual civil rights groups created to harass the political process. As Lincoln rightly puts it, American will not be destroyed by external forces, but by forces within. In other words, Americans will be destroyed from within - by their own country men. The process began some four decades ago, beginning with the radicalization of the Democrat party in the 1960s, the indoctrination of the US education headed by so-called "civil rights" teachers and attorneys who taught that capitalism is evil and that American is a bad country, and, and off-course by the appointment of radical judges to the justice system. These are the people Lincoln predicted would destroy America - the last hope of human civilization. 
Over the years the reinterpretation of the US Constitution brought about wild ideas and legal interpretations. Somehow the "Bill of Rights" and the "Declaration of Independence" do have different meanings in the 21st century, and that the majority rule suddenly not acceptable in this country anymore. Majority has gained tremendous power and influence. For instance, the Democrat party and its drones such as the civil rights organizations such as ACLU and various other feminist organizations, have launched a tremendous campaign to undermine any clause(s) in the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence that don't go along with their views of what "freedom should be", and when defeated in the courts of public opinion, they take it to the courts. For instance, although the Second Amendment grants civilian Americans to own a firearm and explicitly stated that this right should "not be infringed" - the Liberal leftwingers see it different; they have alternative interpretations. They decided that the clause only meant for the military and that there should be a nationwide ban on assault rifles. And though every time they brought it up and died before reaching the floor for a vote, they never gave up! In the recent case where Senator Feinstein of California pulled out a decade old bill in an attempt ban more than two thousands of assault rifles, members of the Democrat party sabotaged the effort. Their own people killed this every time the issue is brought up for a vote, but they never seemed to bear any criticism for it. In most cases, the Democrat party accused the Republican of supporting gun violence in the US, a charge that doesn't hold water. 
And when the "Declaration of Independence" spells out two things mostly embraced by the Conservative right - that is "life" accorded to humans by the "Creator - God", and life as a human "right", Democrats have a different view. They argue that GOD and any religious symbols ought to be removed from public places, and in doing, they assault religious rights in public schools and places. Slowly, Christian symbols such as "public displayed Bible, Nativity scene, and cross" disappeared from public places. These leftwingers argued that these religious rites and symbols are a violation of atheists' rights. However, when it comes to LIFE, they don't think that babies, even healthy babies at birth, don't have rights - a position President Obama held for a long time as State senator in Illinois. 
Just recently a gallup poll showed Americans more conservatives (if I remember correctly - the poll shows 45% Americans lean right (conservatives), 25% of Americans see themselves as "independents" and 20% Liberals. But the most commonly held view by Americans who don't give a damn about what their government is doing, nor the political affairs of their country, is that the entire country is leaning left, or a liberal minded people. It is this notion that Prop 8 - a Californian vote to decided whether samesexual marriage should be allowed to, or should be legalized - was brought to the people for a vote in the first place. Democrats thought that the people of California are Liberals and would support a redefinition of marriage. 
The state of California became a left leaning state in the past twenty years with the leftwing big buck producers dominated Holly Wood. Since then, Democrats and Liberals flooded California. Even when Arnold Schwarzenegger - a Republican - became governor of the state, his legislature was predominantly Liberal Democrats, pulling him far to the left on social issues. Having this perception, pro-gay marriage and civil rights advocates decided it was time to take the case of "gay marriage" to the people for a referendum. This unprecedented move was built on the notion that Californians would support this liberal leftwing ballot. Surprisingly, majority of the voters voted against it and essentially killed the proposal in favor of the traditional heterosexual marriage. But, as always, liberal leftwingers never gave up; they first took to the streets in protest against what? the voters of Californians? Noo, they were protesting against the Mormon Church who was just another cosponsors of the Prop 8, properties were destroyed and public peace halted for days. Suddenly, the liberal minded, peaceful gay people took the laws into their own hands. After such despicable display of violence from people who demanded "respect", the case landed in the desk of a judge who turned out to be a gay man himself, and was overturned. He ruled that same sex couples do have the right to marriage as do normal couples. 
Today, the Supreme Court will hear this case and decisions will be made. I hope that the courts take the views of the people seriously for ruling against the will of the people, by upholding the redefinition of marriage which will force all Americans who dislike the ideas and voted against to abide by it, the courts essentially turned against its citizens. Tyranny comes in large and small packages. The courts shouldn't rule on universal issues that would have a universal impact. Issue such as samesex marriage should be decided by the people because you cannot make laws from the courts, it must come from the legislature. And I am sure the Democrat party understands that such proposal would never pass the house and they decided to utilize the courts. But the pending ruling will turn this nation upside down. 

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