
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Clinton carries too much buggage!

Statement: This evening on Fox, a panel of political pundits made up of conservative and Liberal analysts, discussed recent [prediction] polls which favored former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential race. She tops all possible contenders from both parties. However, the odds are against her if she chose to run, and these are the two most important unresolved issues that she will have to overcome in order to be a viable contestant.

First, the media refused to pin all blame on her over the attack on the Benghazi US outposts which resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens. Through out the whole ordeal, Sec. Clinton acted as if she didn't have anything to do with the death of the ambassador; sometimes took responsibility for the failures of the US state department,  a department she heads, leading up to the attack and during the aftermath. There were time she becomes extremely defiant and defensive, and times exhibited little compassion. For the most part, the average US voters don't understand the truth of the issue and most college students who voted for the Democrat party in 2012, cared little about the incident and probably never knew who was at fault in the US government which resulted in this terrorist successful assassination of the US diplomat and CIA officers. It will take a vigorous grueling primary race to expose her role in this incident. Voters will see for the first time on national television, former secretary defending herself. The media will hold her responsible for the death of Stevens and force her to explained her diversions of questions and misleading of information from the first day of the incident to her testimony before congress prior to exiting office. 
Secondly, the Democrat party had turned their backs on Bill Clinton in 2008 in an open rejection of his wife during the Democrat primary. The 2008 primary demonstrated a bitter splits among hardliner liberal Democrats - the old party title bearers, and the young generation who were keen to support the freshman senator Barrack Hussein Obama and in the end awarded Obama with the Democrat nominee. Then senator Clinton also lost key battle grounds, include Clinton's strongholds, to the rookie senator from Illinois. What elevated Bill Clinton, such as his charm and personality, Sec. Clinton considerably lacking and would find it hard to garnered such support the Obama team brought to the party in 2008 and 2012.
I don't think she would run but as always, politics remains unpredictable and I won't be surprised if she chose to run.

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