
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Don't blame Romney, blame yourselves conservatives!

The presidential election of 2012 revealed so many strange and unresolved issues in the United States of America. The so-called free country in the world. It is obvious from the course of the 2012 presidential race that no Mormon will ever be elected as president of this great nation as long as Americans refused to move beyond religious intolerance. Polls shows that majority of Democrats would never vote for a Mormon, and a considerable population of the right wing vowed to not vote for a Mormon candidate. This man - Gov. Mitt Romney and the former governor of Utah, Gov. Huntsman, put their mark on US presidential history as Mormon candidates trying to break the against Mormonism. Gov. Romney's own father ran and lost. All of them ran as Republicans. But the Republican party is a party of various opposing forces fighting to control it; those who professed the so-called "original intent" of the founding of this country, do pride in themselves for holding on to the truest nature of the conservative world. The conservatives aren't in harmony with each other, for the most part, because of stark differences in religious views. It is a battle that Mormons faced everyday and will continue to do so in the future. For Romney, the odds of capturing the support of people of other religious background was extremely slim because of his denomination - the Mormon church. While some Christians were willing to put aside their religious views, some weren't. Some were campaigning to destroy Gov Romney. A facebook was created for that matter and a few websites were set up to defeat him. Through out the campaign candidates refused to challenge each others' religions, but were using their drones to do so.

It began in the Republican primary when a Catholic and a Mormon candidates went head to head in battleground states. Many in the Evangelical blocks argued that Romney is not a Christian and it was ungodly for them to support him, and through out the primary, they used their religious drones to attack Gov Romney's faith. As in the case of Texas governor, Governor  Rick Perry who held a huge Christian rally at a stadium prior to his official run in the primary. One of his religious supports who endorsed him - a renowned Christian leader in Texas - came out and called for Christians to support Perry, at the same time taking jabs at Gov Romney,  simply branding him as not a "Christian". He appeared to TV and called Romney a "moral man" but refused to call him a Christian. This campaign worked against Gov Romney in Iowa, Ohio, and South Carolina where Christian protestants aligned themselves with Newt Gingrich - a born-again Christian after multiple adulterous relationships, and former Senator Santorum, a Catholic member. After a while the so-called unChristian criticisms began taking different forms. When they said he is not a conservative, they simply meant - he is not a Christian. This open objection and rejection of Gov Romney's faith disguised as simply a rejection of his past political views, proven catastrophic to the Republican party in presidential race. Only those in the mainstream conservative circle, including church leaders who refused to reject Romney, including Billy Graham (one of the most loved evangelical preachers), for fear of being leveled Christian bigots, came out and support him. But the truth remains, Christians weren't so enthusiastic about Gov Romney and refused to go to the polls to vote for him. 
Notice also that  Christian leaders didn't talk about the number of Christians supporting Romney rather than the "percentage". In fact, enumerating this christian support is a tricky business in politics. For instance, conservative leaders and their Christian allies pointed to more than 70% of Christians who voted for Gov Romney in Colorado, but they didn't provide the exact number. What if only a few hundreds voted and that majority voted for Romney? That would mean that only 70% of a mere fraction of Christian population across Colorado and throughout the state voted for Romney. Which means, majority of Christians didn't show up on election day. Obama had the support of College students, women, and minorities, but Romney didn't get the support of hardcore conservatives for ridiculous reasons, and it pains me greatly to hear stupid Republican talking puppets and conservative pundits drumming up the notion that Gov Romney failed to attract their support because he wasn't conservative enough. Instead of attacking those irresponsible mongrels who didn't support their own candidate, they blame Romney for not carrying the conservative message effectively. How dumb is that? They love to blame Gov Romney but not those who refused to vote, giving president Obama his second term victory. This is utterly stupid! 
What is "Conservative enough"? Unlike a doctorate degree your earned, conservatism is an ideology (sets of beliefs and values) that are created by political leaders with the influence of Christian coalition. These set of beliefs and values are shared by a group of people who share the same views. To say Gov Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough is absolutely ridiculous. Even the same people who are being praised or seen as the future stars of the Republican party are now signing the Liberal chorus as do the grandpa Republicans in congress who spent all their lives in Congress trashing fellow Republicans just for a price at the dinner table with Liberal senators. Senator Marco Rubio, after all the praises he got during the 2012 presidential campaign, he is now talking about "comprehensive immigration reform" when everyone knows that illegal aliens living in America are mostly overstayers - those who came here legal and refused to go back to their countries. To think that such a senator with a liberal leaning view on immigration would do better in the coming presidential election, is simply preposterous! Then there's my man Senator Rand Paul who, after his blistering Filibuster of the CIA head John Brennan, began talking like a drunken Liberal. He stated that the Taxcode should be amended in order to remove the term "marriage" from it so that homosexuals can be covered with benefits as legitimate or legally married couples when it it comes to taxes. He talks about other social issues the say way his father did, and whose views were openly rejected in 2012 by conservative voters. 
My main argument is this - yes Gov Romney said things that were misconstrued by the media, and often times inappropriate, but who didn't? Obama said worst things but the media gave him a pass; refusing to question him. Gov Romney was the best candidate Republicans could ever produce. The failure of Conservative voters to turn and support him and many other Senators across the country, gave POTUS the second victory. In fact, Obama lost millions of voters who despised his very four years of dictatorship, but a huge portion of the conservative voting population refused to go to the polls, giving Obama the easy ride home. Who are you going to blame? the man who campaigned to prioritize the poor, the middle-class, and the economy, or the millions of dumb conservative voters who refused to vote Gov Romney because in their view he is not conservative enough? I blame these crazy conservative voters! They refused to support Gov Romney but continued to blame him for losing the 2012 presidential race; how stupid is that? 
It is time for these stupid pundits to put their liberal talking points in the tank and take responsibility. Blame those who refused to support Gov Romney at a time when Washington, D.C, need a serious change to its fiscal issues. They should look at themselves and ask themselves why they screwed up!  

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