
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Twisted Immigration Policies

Obama in Las Vegas on immigration
When politicians are out in the campaign trail trying to win the hearts and minds of the people, they often say things that are absolutely meaningless but sound really good. Just a few hours a go, President Obama spoke to the nation from Las Vegas about  Immigration; establishing a foundation for things he will fight for in the next few years. But all he did is pandering to Hispanics.  Today, political correctness has given rise to a string of interesting "terms" and "words" that also changed the meaning, or the true nature of the issues at hand. Below are the new "Democrat terms" use to appease immigrants and illegal aliens.

Comprehensive Immigration
Politicians think they know everything and that the voters are simply dumb. The term Comprehensive Immigration simply implies Obama (or any one taking the same position) understands the needs of immigrants. It also implies those who failed to address this issue in the past didn't understand immigration. 
Part of this comprehensive immigration is the attack on individuals and states who sought to address the issue in their own rights. States who are trying to uphold the laws contrary to the views of these Liberal goofballs, are called racists and an anti-immigrant Americans. The word "comprehension", however, looses its meaning when used by politicians because they pandered to voters of certain demographics and not the truth; they simply tell them what they want to hear. What they really say is - hey I want your votes! It worked for President Reagan when he started the amnesty for good illegal immigrants, and worked also for President Bush whose policies were quite favorable to the immigrant communities. 
Now Obama is drumming up this campaign because of the tremendous support Hispanics gave him in the 2012 presidential election. The immigrant Hispanic communities recently demanded immediate action to reform immigration to give the 12 million illegal aliens living in America the same right as those born and raised here. The quest for a "comprehensive" approach to illegal aliens is all but meaningless considering Obama's harsh punishment on Arizona's attempt to address the problem it faces with influx of illegals crossing the border every day. What the Arizona government did was simply enforcing the existing federal law. This state was sued by the Obama administration citing potential for racial profiling and that Arizona crossed the federal line by addressing a federal issue. However,  no so-called "comprehensive approach" managed by a bunch of loons in Washington DC can effectively stop the flow of illegal immigrants - some of whom are deadly drug cartel carriers - to order states such as Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. 

  • Illegal Immigrants

The term is perhaps the most widely used in this country when it comes to "immigration" debates, however, the two words don't go together. There was a time in which illegals were called "illegal aliens", but the term had been cast aside as "racist" and "unfair". Some lobbyists argued that the term demonizes innocent law-abiding people who are born to illegal parents. As such, politicians devised a new term, putting together words that are redundant in their meanings and applications. Illegal implies that someone broke the law, while immigrants is a term given to people who come to this country from a foreign country. You cannot become an immigrant by entering this country, or any country in the world, without the legal requirements. 

  • Undocumented Workers
Undocumented workers is also another term often used by mostly "Democrats" to refer to people who are here in America, illegally  looking for a better life. This term is used extensively that even lawyers and teachers now using it courts and classrooms. 
USA is the only country that treats illegal aliens better than it citizens. American citizens crossing over illegally to Mexico are being treated as criminals, as in the case of the former Marine chained to his bed for weeks and months by the Mexican authorities, after transporting a shot gun across the border to Mexico. Other countries would imprison and deport illegal aliens, but in America, these people are potential voters and the Democrat party had been exploiting this for their advantage right from the start. They fought against the building of the border fence and recently sued states that only passed laws to address illegal aliens. But for what? These are all attempts to demonize Republicans and show the immigrant communities across America that the Democrat party is party of love and compassion. Its a political game!

Why the US Government Against Legal Immigration
They say you won't understand immigration issues unless you are an immigrant. Well, as an immigrant to this country, I understand what the US government is actually doing. I must say boldly that the US government is not interested in legal immigration. In the past, immigrants come to this country to enjoy the "freedom" and live the "American dream" - the opportunity to become somebody. Most of these old generation immigrants hold the same view as the Conservative Republicans - limited government, lower taxes and incentives for small businesses. Compare that today's unskilled illegals who come here illegally and work minimum wage jobs; they certainly need the government to babysit them. 
New statistics show that in the next few years, minorities will become the majority, and both the Democrat and the Republican parties are trying to gain favors from the immigrant communities. Their policies don't seem to make legal immigration a priority; they invest so much in turning these millions of illegals as potential supporters, while making it hard for those waiting to come here legally. The process to come to America is compounded by the massive amount of paperwork and countless other requirements including a face-to-face interviews with the US consul where ever he/she is. 
In 2005, After a year of waiting, I was told to fly to Papua New Guinea to interview with the consul there, without any guarantee that I would receive a visa. After spending thousands of dollars I finally met the consul. I basically gave them no room to say NO! I met all the requirements, and my fiancee provided everything they asked from back here in America. After the interview, I was awarded the visa to return to USA. 
To give a person (who broke the law by entering US illegally) a green card is indeed unfair. This is the US government becoming a criminal gang itself! Basically turning the immigration law upside down by rewarding illegal aliens. 

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