
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sen Ted Cruz Questioned Sen Chuck Hagel

President Barrack Obama's nominee Senator Chuck Hagel took a serious beating from Conservative Republicans in the Senate over his views and how he expressed them in the past, and how he represents them today. For Republicans, Sen Hagel had damaged his credibility on various issues, especially his position on Israel. This is Sen Ted Cruz going after Hagel's record and inability to respond to request made by committees; particularly his speeches and financial gains which he chose to withhold from the committee, and the many interviews that Sen Hagel held with Al Jazeera  It is said that Sen Hagel received money from sources tied to the Iranian government and he failed to disclose them. This hearing is crucial because Sen Hagel is nominated to head the defense of America, and for someone who espouses the same views Obama holds such as smaller military, reduced role in the US, downgrading US military arsenal and relaxing ties with Israel, negotiating with Iran etc, is indeed scary and should be grounds for his defeat in this confirmation hearing. 
He is now walking back things he said, denying comments he made, rejected the context of his statements, admitted he regretted positions he held from the past, shamefully standing by some of his ridiculous past comments. However, there is no guarantee in any of these hearings that his long held views will not going to influence his decision making process as the head of one of the most critical departments in the US government. 

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