
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Obama is ignoring Israel

IDF poised for Gaza invasion
The news here in United States over the last week and weekend has been the presidential election. After that, the media is down right nasty in its defense of president Obama the same way they did president Bill Clinton against those who are trying to understand the Benghazi scandal. But I guess the greatest travesty of all these is the fact that president never said a word about the continued firing of rockets from Gaza into civilian neighborhoods in Southern Israel. In the past, US presidents always show Israel that America is standing with them in peace and hard times. The least that Obama could do is assuring Israel that US is with them, and calling for restrain from both sides.

Updates on Israel 
Today, UK new agencies reported that Israel military struck back at Hamas killing one of its most wanted leaders in a rocket attack that killed him, his guards, son, and some bystanders. The attack came after enduring a year long rocket-rain from Gaza. More than eight hundred rockets, most of them Iranian sophisticated made, rained on Israel the entire year. About two hundred more rockets than in 2011.
It is obvious that Iran is trying to disrupt Israel and steer attention away from the Syrian civil war it helped facilitated. Leaders of the IDF according to Telegraph UK news agency is not ruling out a ground invasion, but Hamas bows to struck back. As of today, IDF is moving to the border while leaders are negotiating behind back doors.
The one time Israeli ally, Egypt, condemns the assassination and warns that it would back Hamas if the situation gets out of hand. Mahmoud Abbas called for an emergency meetings of Arab leaders, while radical clerics throughout Gaza and nearby countries called for the retaliation for the dead of Hamas leaders.

Obama must act 
Obama should tackle this issue head on because he can't afford to live with another war between Israel and Hamas. With Egypt abandoning its ties to Israel, and Iran now accessing the Suez canal and the Mediterranean sea, it just a matter of time and this region will explode into full blown war!

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