
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Obama and Democrats to deal with scandals

President Barrack Obama's second term will be the toughest of any administration in US history. Besides dealing with sequestration, the Obama administration will also address a number of scandals that rocked the administration prior to presidential election earlier this month. 

Fast and Furious
Despite the somewhat controversial congressional report which cleared the Obama administration of any wrong doing, the Mexican government still demands answers. The fact remains that the guns supplied by the US federal agents murdered many Mexicans. The scandal which began in the Bush administration under the code name "Wide Receiver" but ended before the end of the Bush administration, resumed under the code name "Fast and Furious" by the Obama administration. The congressional battle over the scandal got so nasty the Attorney General, Eric Holder, was held in contempt of the GOP led House Oversight Committee. The scandal has strained the Mexican-US relation. 

Benghazi Coverup 
The Benghazi coverup still fumes the American public. The scandal is compounded by the resignation of the  director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), General David Patraeus. The Congressional hearing is sets for next week where CIA, State Department, and the Obama administration will appear to explain just how they handled this mess. The Congressional committee seeks answers to the following questions, who knew about the security vulnerability of the Benghazi consulate, who refused requests from Libya to enforce security, and who gave the decisions that resulted in the death of America diplomat and former Navy Seal officers. 

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