
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

World is taking a passive stance, reminiscence of pre-WW II

Israel's future is ever more bleak, thanks to weakening American military presence in the Middle East. The world is watching Iran developing its nuclear reactor to a never-turn-back state; sufficient enough to build nuclear war-heads. While the Iranian government continues its claim of a peaceful nuke program, its refusal to have UN inspectors examine the sites brings more doubts than answers to an ever more restless region. Nuclear inspection of these sites is extremely crucial. 
First of all, Iran is a member of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Iran is bound by its terms and conditions to disclose the progression of its nuke program. The rest of the world must know that Iran is developing a nuke program for peaceful purposes (only). There were evidence that Iran halted its nuke program when US and its allies rolled into Baghdad, Iraq, with easy in 2003.
According to reports, Iran feared US and allies would attack Iran after Iraq, but that didn't happen. Before leaving office, Bush accused Iran of actively developing a nuke program and started imposing sanctions against the Iranian regime. President Barrack Hussein Obama imposed further sanctions following Iran's continual defiance. So far Iran, with the help of two Communist nations - China and Russia, continues to defy these sanctions. An expert in this region remarked that any frozen Iranian assert could be channeled to Tehran through these two countries. Whether it is true or not, the supposedly nail-biting sanctions didn't seem to work as anticipated, giving this theory more credibility. 
Secondly, the West is taking Iran's threats lightly. For the leader of Iran to actively attacking Israel with threats of annihilation while building a nuke program against IAEA's demand for inspection, is extremely dangerous and should be taken seriously. A lesson from six decades ago: when Hitler was actively building his military, Russians, France, and England never thought he was up to something horrendous. Russia was happy to sign a treaty in which both nations agreed not to attack each other. UK received words from its ambassador to Germany that Hitler agreed not to attack UK or its allies in Western Europe, and marveled at the advancement in German technology. We know what happened next;  Germany attacked Belgium - dragging UK into the war, and then crashed France. Germany rolled into Poland then invaded Moscow, Russia.We know how the story ended! Today, history repeats itself. In USA, some Liberals argue that America should not waste its resources on Israel. Obama's policy is also openly hostile to Israel. An Israeli leader once said that if your sworn enemy threatens to wipe you off the face of the earth, you ought to believe him. 
Even in UK, distrust toward Israel took new record heights. During the Israeli raid on the Turkey led flotilla which aimed to break through a Israeli blockade, some hard-left politicians called for British military to escort these flotilla. This harsh reaction also followed a sweeping reverberating condemnation of Israel in the House of Commons; showing that if war broke out between Israel and Iran, UK may either intervene and force Israel to submit, or may let Iran have its own way. The likely scenario is something no reasonable human can imagine at this point in time. 
Iran have fought two proxy wars against Israel, the latest were in 2006 against Hezbollah and 2008 against Hamas. Because Iran has two proxy armies surrounding its capital - Hezbollah to the North and Hamas to the South and East, it is of paramount concern for Israel and the West that Iran may build a nuke program capable of producing nuclear war-heads that can be delivered to the hands of these Israeli sworn enemies. Thousands of rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel in the past year, a few hundreds a month, and when Israel hit back, it met with shear condemnation. This is a ticking time bomb ready to explode. 
Today, we witnessed the failure of the Obama doctrine - the doctrine of appeasement and passivity. The Obama doctrine can be described this way - solving international crisis by reducing American strength; a clear overhaul of the US post Cold War policies of peace through strength. Since Obama took office, US military has since dramatically weakened. Defense funds have been diverted from ground operations to humanitarian programs. The size of the military also slashed by a significant amount. President Obama also agreed to downsize US nuclear arsenal when Russia and China are refurnishing and modernizing their Cold War equipment and military capabilities.
After four years, some of Obama's proposal remained in the closet and it is obvious that he puts off certain damning policies - especially his vision for a weakened America - for his second term. He knew he would answer to Americans if all his plans were executed prior to 2012 presidential election. This is a political maneuver that only men with dark motives employed to achieve certain predetermined goals. We saw this very tactic played out recently; in 2010, Obama employed this very tactic to pass his Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare). Between 2009 - 2010, Obama fought extremely hard to install one of the greatest destructive policies in seventy years. A two thousand page bill was brought before Congress which filled with all kinds of programs that are openly hostile to the US free-market system, and equally destructive to the civil rights of all Americans. Worst of this is the notion that the Federal government, for the first time, and by virtue of this ACA, can compel someone to purchase something against his/her own will, or else paying a fine or doing time behind bars. This is authoritarianism creeping into the champion of democracy, the USA. This clause in the ACA threw up a constitutional battle which ended up in the Supreme Court. Long story short, Americans were furious that their rights to decide what and what not to buy, was gradually disappearing with the introduction of the bill; they took to the street and to town-hall meetings to protest. They took out their anger against their elected leaders. Even Democrat leaders in Congress didn't know what to do with the ever growing anger, some decided to distance themselves from their own leader, President Obama, only a handful ran on this but never ran far from public anger. 

Prior to the midterm election of 2010, the Democrats who controlled both the House and the Senate deferred the vote on this healthcare overhaul, though it could have passed into law in this Democrat controlled congress. Congress had to wait until after the election (November 2010). Losing incumbents had November through January to decide the fate of Americans' liberty. After the election, Senators and Representatives returned to Congress for the final meeting known as the Lame Duck session where no major legislation usually brought to the floor for vote. President Obama and the Democrat ultimately brought ACA to Congress for a vote knowing that those who have already lost their seats would vote for it as mere pay-back. The Obamacare went through without a majority vote and without a single Republican vote, but it was passed.
This is the same tactic Obama is using today. He deferred tax increases under Obamacare to be implemented after 2012. He stayed the "Medicare overhaul" which is a central portion of Obamacare which is now the law, to be implemented in 2013 and onward. He extended the Bush tax-cut for just a year and planned to kill it in 2013 if he is reelected. He even deferred his policy on the US nuke stockpile for 2013 onward. In a secret whispering conversation between the Russian Prime Minister which was recorded by an open-mic, revealed exactly what I've explained above: this is him talking to the PM of Russia.

Just as he handled issues prior to 2010 midterm election, President Obama assured his counter part Medvedev that he would be more flexible after the 2012 presidential election. That speaks volume to the character and integrity of the man entrusted with the world's strongest nation; in all, he doesn't have the credibility and accountability that is expected of the president's office.
So far President Obama have openly hostile to Israel - even attempted to redraw Israeli maps. He failed to condemn rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza and to make matters worse for the only Democratic state in the Middle East, Obama helped installed the Muslim Brotherhood - an Islamic radical group which also calling for the extermination of Israel, in the only country that recognized Israel, i.e. Egypt. The new government has already called for the end of Israel and have forged relationship with Iran, instantly tilting the balance of power in the ME toward the Ayatollah of Iran and the brotheroods in Egypt. And even now that terrorists killed a US ambassador and four other officers, Obama never seemed to care, he went and campaign the next day. He had constantly distorting the truth about the Muslim uprising against America across the world, claiming it to bere mere "spontaneous". He argued that the uprising is not a response to US foreign policy but rather a reaction to a movie demeaning Mohammed. He constantly downplaying the attack on American interests and properties around the world, even though the attacks on the US embassy in Libya appeared planned and carefully executed.
The question becomes, what exactly is Obama going to do if he won his reelection bid? What are his plans? There are so many uncertainties in United States, but there's one certainty in a post 2012 Obama administration i.e. a Israel will have to fend for itself against brutal neighbors and that his administration, which refused to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel, will continue to fund anti-Israel government throughout the region against this helpless tiny state and the US in general.

This is scary!

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