
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Democrats Just Showed They Aren't Democratic!

undercover video of Democrats declaring war on individual and corporate profits. 

The Democrat Party is not a Democratic party, and that the Democrat convention is not a Democratic Convention as many reporters referred to in their reporting of the on going convention. The Democrat Party has been hijacked by extreme left-wingers who see the values and socioeconomic realities that made America the strongest nation in the world, extremely bad and should be banned.

Above is a video exposes just exactly how Democrats view profits and wealth in America. Somehow, the Obama anti-profit, anti-corporation rhetoric seemed to take roots in the hearts of these devoted Liberals and far left Democrats. Notice that none of them suggested that if you work hard [which is the American dream] you ought to keep your profits, they all agreeing with each other that profit should either be banned or capped - meaning limit to how much someone or a corporation makes.
In the past, Obama questioned - and I paraphrase - when is making too much money, too much, and also told one of the concerned voters that wealth [his own wealth which he earned through his own sweat] should be "spread around" in order to make people happy. This socialist utopia is never the American way of life; never a part of the capitalist system that kept America above all foes from the First World War to the Second World War, and from the so-called Cold War to the War against Terror.
President Obama and his administration will go down in history as a failed socialist experiment - the only administration that attack wealth where ever it is created. The notion, which came straight out of President Obama's own mouth, that if you built a business, you really didn't build it because someone [government] else made it possible for you, will go down in history as a failed attempt by far left wing of the Democrat party to institute Marxism in a nation that led Capitalism and Democracy for more than two centuries. Historians will be baffled by the fact that this president said one thing - praising capitalism, then "demonizing" its outcome [profit] in the same speech. I will leave this to future historians.

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