
Monday, July 16, 2012

What Gov Mitt Romney Should Do

Gov. Mitt Romney, for the last few weeks, have been on defense over what many called a "futile" issue drummed up by a desperate Obama administration and the Democrat party. However, other than spending hours, days and weeks trying to justify his records at Bain Capital, Gov Romney should go on the offense. A good defense is a strong offense - in other words, Gov Romney needs to go on the attack and cut off President Obama's onward attack. Because the Obama camp accused Gov Romney of a possible felony and dishonesty, it is time that the governor demands the following:

First of all, Obama must release his school records. Since 2008, Obama spent $2 million to seal his school records. Talking about secrecy, Obama is perhaps the most secretive candidate ever ran for the White House, and - with the help of the US pathetic media - won. Since becoming president, the American people never got to see his school records, something that Obama's opponent John McCain, former president George Bush, and former Democrat Party nominee Sen. John Kerry did. What were his grades in colleges, especially his Harvard records, which remained seal to this very day. His college years should reveal who exactly were his sponsors and his details of his senior dissertation. Was Obama really advocating the destruction of the most powerful country in the word, America? Does his senior thesis in Harvard the reason why he went around apologizing to the world? Was his paper on "Soviet Disarmament" a pro-Communism, an anti-American thesis? Was it true that radical Islamic Clerics funded his years in Harvard? Why is it that his time as head of the Harvard Law Review remained sealed? His college records should be examined thoroughly so that the most secretive American to ever hold the office of the president is fully vetted come November presidential election.
Secondly, his association with radicals as far back as his days in Hawaii and early college years, should also be vetted. Obama wrote about a friend of his family in Hawaii named Mr Frank Marshall - a sworn Communist and a radical poet who at one point topped the FBI most wanted list. What was the extent of their relationship? what were the things he learned from this old-timer? Records also show Obama traveled to the Middle East with a Muslim friend, a trip that remained a secret since Obama entered the public arena. Why did he travel to Pakistan and what passport was he using? Was he traveling as a Christian or a Muslim?
In addition to that, the governor must ask for full disclosure as to the status of Obama's religious and nationality. In the book "The Amateur", Obama's pastor told the author that Obama went to him and ask him to introduce him to the Christian faith and church. Rev. Jeremiah Wright who was Obama's pastor to the time of his presidential bid, claimed Obama told him he studied Islam and was vague - not familiar - with the Christian faith. Was Obama truly a Muslim boy looking for political support within the Chicago black Christian acolytes?
In fact, a phamplet appeared on Breitbart website - a conservative activist site - had a picture of President Obama as a "foreigner" or a man born in Kenya. If he was born in Hawaii, why did he claim to have been born in Kenya? Was he trying to exploit the "Affirmative Action" to his benefit? was he using his "foreigner status" to get benefits? When he went to school in Indonesia, he was using his step-father's name "Barry Soetoro"; at what point did Obama switched to his current name "Barrack Hussein Obama"? Was that switch an attempt to get minority assistance, and was his adoption of the name "Hussein Obama" an attempt to appeal to his Muslim friends?
Finally, Gov Romney needs to ask for full disclosure of Obama's dealing with criminal Tony Rezko who is now in federal prison. The outcome of this shady deal, which landed Obama's loyal friend in jail never made any rational sense since Obama was party to the crime yet remained untouched to this day. Were there evidence that Obama was a willing accomplice in this dirty deal which became a federal crime in the end? if he was, why did prosecutors refused to go after Obama? were there insufficient evidence to drag Obama into it or an attempt to protect the president and avoid humiliating America? If he indeed purchased a lot that his friend declared lose-land or rendered unusable in an attempt to not paying taxes on that lot - were there more information that the public didn't know?
These and many other issues are Obama's main weaknesses. In 2008, the media refused to go after Obama and even when a few Journalists chose to run some of Obama's stories - such as the racist sermons of his pastor - Jeremiah Wright - they met with scornful rebuke from their bosses. That year, the Americans were blindly supporting a man so polarized that future generation may find it hard to believe he was president of this great democratic country. This year, the unknown candidate of (about) four years ago is now known. He is known as a socialist, communist, Muslim sympathizers whose policies made Huge Chavez' political moves extremely mild. It is time that the American people know who the real Obama is and Gov. Romney ought to change strategy!

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