
Friday, June 15, 2012

US Attorney General in Contempt of Court!

I had the opportunity to listen/watch the replay of the US House and Senate Judicial Committee questioning the current US Attorney General, Eric Holder, and I must say - he needs to go. This is one of the many appearances of the AG over various a number of scandals including serious cases as Fast and Furious, Wiretaps relating to Fast and Furious, Voter ID law, and illegal immigration. His answers are full of inconsistencies, sarcasm, and all out arrogance. Like many other committee members, I also feel this AG doesn't deserve this office at all and he must GO!

Fast and Furious

The Fast and Furious is a code name for a US government's sting that went absolutely wrong. In this sting, the US government authorized gun vendors at various locations across a number of border states, to sell high powered rifles to drug cartels in Mexico. In short, the US government thought that this US agencies (FBI & ATF) would be able to track the guns using a database why they are in the hands of drug gangs in Mexico. However, guns sold to these drug cartels disappeared as they entered Mexico. Shortly after that, a US border agent was killed by these drug cartel members and a firearm sold under this nasty sting was also found at the scene. An investigation into this rifle unearthed the sting's code-name - Fast and Furious.
The US Congress didn't spare a moment to pounce on this, but are now facing a defiant AG. The Judicial oversight committee of both the House and Senate have tried over and over again since 2011 and now 2012 to get answers, or at least the truth of the program, but yet to get the full cooperation of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the AG. Most of the important documents the AG provided to these committees were mostly insufficient or completely black-out for so-called "legal concerns". Since the first hearing began up to this day, the AG had been caught lying to Congress - which is a felony - while insisting he was telling the truth.

Interestingly, when this sting went absolutely wrong, one of the Conservative most influential radio talk-show hosts, Rush Limbaugh, already knew what the program was intended for. I was listening to him that day when he made the claim that the Obama administration doesn't do things accidentally and that the magnitude of this sting shows that it could only be approved by the higher authority - the AG and the president. He then theorized that the main aim of the sting is to create chaos with guns so that Americans would turn against the 2nd Amendment (see blow) of the Bill of Rights:

It is not a theory that Democrats dislike the 2nd Amendment. Since that Amendments to the Bill of Rights came to exist, Democrats consistently fought against it. Every time a shooting takes place where multiple lives lost, Democrats always quick to call for the eradication of this gun law. However, the Fast and Furious exceeded every anti-2nd Amendment attempt by the left because it is a government sponsored sting - bordering on "government engagement in terrorism". Thus, it is right to say that the US government is somewhat responsible for the death of the young border patrol agent and hundreds deaths - cartel members and civilians - across Mexico.

As a matter of fact, Americans are willing to give the first legal officer of this country the benefit of the doubt - meaning; he may or may not orchestrated such a massive sting operation knowing lives would be lost in the process, but more evidence point to the AG as the creator of this devastated operation. This is a the AG's speech on guns in 1995 (posted below).

In 1995, the AG made this speech - more of a strategic plan for the Democrat - to address gun violence in United States. In this speech, Holder - now AG - wanted to create programs in order to exploit the ugliness of guns in relation to violence. Doing so, the AG argued, Americans would develop an ultimate dislike for guns and may push to eradicate any laws that protect this, namely the 2nd Amendment. This is the AG back in the days when he was working in the Clinton's administration.

The dots are simply to easy to connect at this point. The AG right now is in the position to implement just exactly what he envisioned a decade ago; he is given the ultimate power as AG he never had back in the days. He had the legal authority to carry out such strategy. Fast and Furious is more likely to be the the works of an AG who wanted such thing to happen but never got the chance to in the past, and an AG who is not new to the world of radicalism - a  man who defended American enemies in the past, and the architect of a plan which resulted in the pardoning of the FBI most wanted man when Clinton left office.

The AG constantly denied playing any part in this program, but everything in this nasty sting bears seemed to have come out of his play book. And if the AG doesn't know anything pertaining to Fast and Furious, how is that boarding well with his role as the first legal office of this great country? Isn't it the role of the AG to ensure that the US government doesn't do things outside of the bounds of the US constitution/laws? It is - based on scope of the role of the AG - impossible that such a huge sting would be executed without the AG's approval. And it is equally disturbing that the President of America would also deny any involvement in this. It is therefore highly likely the the rest of the tens of thousands of documents yet to be given to congress may contain materials that may be extremely damaging for both the president and his AG.

House and Senate Reaction

Those who have followed this issues right from the start, like I did, would be as depressed as the chairman of the House Oversight committee, Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senator Corwyn of Texas. Both leaders are now calling for the resignation or impeachment of the AG. Watch the clips:

Rep. Issa appeared on Fox News after clashing with the AG at the House Oversight committee. Here he explained why he lost confidence in the AG.

This is Cornyn holding AG in contempt.


Those who followed closely the election of Obama and the creation of his administration down to this very day, would notice something; when something goes wrong, every responsible member would claim that he/she doesn't know anything. In this case, the AG is not afraid to said he wasn't aware of the sting.
Even so, he is not going to survive on the following basis: if he (AG) created the Fast and Furious, he should be removed or fired from his position. However, if he didn't know what was going on, he is simply incompetent, therefore, should resign or pay the price the same way. This is the administration that promised "transparency" from the "get go", yet most of their policies, programs, and activities remained controversial and untruthful. This Fast and Furious may be end of Holder's tenure in office as AG, and may also become Obama's downfall.

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