
Friday, May 11, 2012

Same-sex marriage is a Democrat political Tool!

Just the other night President Barrack Hussein Obama came out and expressed support for Same-sex marriage, but he did so in a very subtle way that many people didn't seem to get. He had not, in any way, saying with all honesty that Same-sex marriage should be legal in America. He used the words "I think" and "I believe", which are clear signs that he was only expressing a personal opinion and not one that is based on the existing laws of America, nor did he endorsed any effort(s) to make this practice legal in America. In the end he said that Same-sex marriage should be decided in the State.

Homosexual is a choice
I don't have any problem with gays and lesbians getting, but I do have a problem when they try to redefine marriage as nothing but an union of same gender of the human race. It takes away the virtue of marriage as we know it. It is simply wrong, in my opinion, to define marriage anything other than a sacred union of two people of the opposite sex for the purpose of reproduction and protection of the human species. The existence of humanity is based not on individual natural drive to reproduce and women and men exist to do exactly that. Because humans trumps the animal everything including sex and social pleasure, the purpose of human reproduction is on the brink of disappearing. Our destiny is not about surviving as a species but enjoying every pleasure that comes with it regardless of how that pleasure is obtained. I have a few friends in Hawaii who were married people in the past, but now settling in with their partners of the same sex. This proves to me that homosexuality is not really a biological disorder but a choice. But off course, humans can adjust to its own environmental needs. This is the same survival mechanism that kept humans for extinction in the last ice-age.

Politics and Homos

We are living in a world where branding people is "divide and conquer" political tool. For instance, Catholics called Protestants bunch of heretics, which then justified its killing of of protestant leaders. It is the same way Hitler branded Jews as dirty pigs, which then justified his extermination of millions of Jews. Today, those who dislike or oppose to Same-sex marriage are often referred to as "homophobia" and "bigots" and are often persecuted for standing up for their own beliefs. This branding of people is unfair because these intolerable minority are nothing more than radical freaks; we can call these people "hetero-phobia" but what can get out of this, can we? Somehow the heterosexuals of this country are bigots and haters, but the supporters of gays are held to a higher standard; they are good citizens, progressives and intelligent. Needless to say, however, that there are extremists on both ends of the political spectrum.
Besides, USA is a Conservative country where majority of people believe most of the things Christians believe - including heathens or nonreligious individuals. Thus, the notion that Liberalism is more appealing to America, therefore, most leaning Liberals support Same-sex marriage is so untrue! I heard this lie from Liberal Democrat pundits all the time. It is a fact, that when someone keeps telling a lie, it will becomes a true overtime. But we all know, this argument is a propaganda because the facts don't support it.

In California, Liberal Democrats and their pro-Same-sex marriage supporters wanted a "state ballot" on this controversial topic. They perceived that, because California is a Liberal State, the voters would support it, but they weren't ready for a rude awakening. Voters of California turned out in mass and voted against "Same-sex" marriage and upheld traditional marriage. This sparked a legal and political battle know as the "Proposition 8". They (Same-sex marriage advocators) then took the "Prop 8" winners to court where it was turned over, interestingly, the presiding judge was a "gay activist" himself. Now its on its way to the Supreme Court.
Just recently, North Carolina voters also went to the polls and voted to uphold "Traditional Marriage", joining the other 30 states that voted to ban Same-sex marriage. This is a clear indication that voters - right and left - don't regard this issue as a political ideology other than a personal choice. Being a Liberal doesn't make one a supporter of homos. This is a cultural ideology where blacks and Hispanics - the core supporters of Obama - do cherish. These two ethnic groups cherish traditional marriage and would go all the way to defend it. So it doesn't matter where the election is held, democrat controlled, or Conservative dominant, Blacks and Hispanics and majority of Christians will always vote to uphold traditional marriage.

Legal Activism
The court system in America is perhaps the only body that can be credited for tearing down the cultural norms of American traditionalism. A recent polls, which I wish I had the link to at this point, revealed the known fact that Liberals in this country are a minority socialist Americans. The question is, if Liberals are a minority, why do they dominate many states and most of the time, the US Congress? The answer can be found in the term "judicial activism" (JA). JA is a term that politicians use to refer to judges with very strong political agenda and established social views. The courts are known for ignoring majority votes in support of unpopular groups and cases. This is the case with the CA "Prop 8" and now the North Carolina case which is more likely to go before a judge in the near future.
Another example of "judicial activism" is the recent appointment of Supreme Court Kegan. She was working for the Obama administration and was the co-defendant in the battle of Obamacare, interestingly, she was appointed to the Supreme Court where the case was heading. Instead of recusing herself as stated in the US Constitution, she remained to participate in the legal battle over the same issue she was defending as the Solicitor General in the Obama administration.
Legal activism will soon change America to an unrecognized nation.

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