
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Glenn Beck Exposes Barrack Hussein Obama - The Fictious President

When it comes to President Barrack Hussein Obama, Americans are so afraid to speak out. No presidential candidate ever elected president President with a history as that of the current President, president Obama. In 2008, I watched GOP and DNC presidential candidates campaigned vehemently across America for the most powerful office in the world - the President of the world's superpower. In this process, candidates are checked everyday and everything they did in the past are extremely important to American voters; crucial to the decision making process of the voters. However, what struck me was that everything that came out against the Democrat candidate, then Senator Obama, never shook him even though they were extremely disturbing and incriminating. Either the American people were just outright stupid, or whether this candidate was extremely brilliant that he could survive all the attacks especially coming from staunchest opponents such as Hillary Clinton etc.
In a country where presidential race is as brutal as an ultimate bloodsport, President Obama, was elected leaving behind a trail of lies and deceptions. Americans, especially academia and the media failed failed to vet this president. Historians in the future will not be able to decipher exactly how this lowly juvenile senator got elected despite incriminating evidence that he wasn't what he portrayed himself to the American people. Even Bill Clinton - the champion of the modern day Democrat Party - called Senator Obama's anti-war sentiments "a fairytale". In his remarks, former President Clinton challenged Obama's speech against the War in Iraq which he used to separate himself from his fellow candidates. According to Clinton, Obama wasn't a Senator therefore his criticism of the war was futile. He further pointed out that in a later statement, Obama said he would have voted to support the War in Iraq. This is a sharp contrast to Obama's statements. Shockingly, the president's arm twisting cohorts attacked Clinton calling him a "racist" though his states had no racial connotation whatsoever.
Besides, the American media turned out to be agent of the Obama and the DNC. The media covered for him, reshaped him, attacked his opponents and protected him to this very day. Those Americans who turned to the mainstream media to learn about these 2008 candidates, didn't learn anything about President Obama. What they learned was a narrative that was carefully crafted - a huge "fairytale".
After running this great nation for almost four years, the people are now beginning to ask whether their president is indeed legitimate in terms of political ideologies and deeply held convictions on issues mattered most to them such as race, religion, foreign policy and social issue such as homosexuality. He had played the race card more than any president in US history, and yes he has contrasted everything he said along the 2008 campaign trail. For instance, while praising the US 'Declaration of Independence' in 2004 DNC as a speaker, he openly decried the same document and the Constitution of standing in his way. And though he promised to unite America, yet he had done quite the opposite. Historians will read about his administration as the most divisive administration since the independence of this great nation.
Here, Glenn Beck is doing a great job in defogging the president's real identity. Most of the things Beck covered in this segment are well documented - most of them are President Obama's past statements and writings that the media never wanted to talk about! Those who tried to bring them up in 2008 were attacked relentlessly by the media and the Democrat attack and smear machine.

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