
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Romney is Rejected by Conservatives because of His Faith

The real problem with Conservatives is that Mitt Romney is a Mormon follower. At a time when United States really needs an alternative leader to President Obama, Conservatives refused to embraced Romney and have been using his "Liberal" positions on many issues as the main reason why they don't support him. You would hear "I don't want a president who would be far to the left of Obama" on many social issues. You also would hear Conservatives going through issues as to why Romney shouldn't be the GOP nominee. But the bottom line is, many Conservatives are bothered by the fact that a Mormon is heading the GOP race and may become the first Mormon US president in US history. This race brings about the severe bigotry on the Conservative world - a serious lack of understanding of the rights of individuals to lead regardless of what their beliefs are as sanctioned by the US constitution. To the hard-core far-right Conservatives, their leader must be a born again Christian, an Evangelical, and are willing to let an Anglican or a Catholic leader, but are extremely uncomfortable with a Mormon man  who is more than qualified to be the president of United States.

Bigotry and Leadership
There is a silent majority on the right extremity of the Conservative wing that believes that Evangelical has the monopoly over the Conservative leadership. Rick Perry, Christian Governor of Texas, whose pastor openly rejecting Romney on grounds that he is a Mormon, refused to "refute" the statement saying that the pastor is entitled to his views. It is obvious that the Governor is is uncomfortable with Romney's religious faith.
Just recently a Republican strategist made a statement on TV that Romney is no way going to win South Carolina because of his Mormon faith. That is the defining argument on the far-right of the Conservative wing.
If political leadership in US is defined by the one's religious faith and beliefs, US voters and politicians alike should shred to piece the US constitution which was created - in the first place - to unify all Americans regardless of faiths. If this Christian conservatives' notion that a leader should be defined by how closer his/her beliefs are to the protestant teachings, the Puritans and other non Christian Americans who fought and shed their blood for the freedom of this country, should have been lined up and executed for not being Christian Evangelicals. Sadly, today, Christians have hijacked the GOP party and have alienated many potentially strong leaders who happened to be outside the mainstream Christian league.

Character Defines Leadership
Governor Romney is not a perfect man in many ways, but he is not way near the candidate whom the Conservatives vowed to support to the end in terms of business experience, and turning around businesses. Bigotry on the right is reaching new heights with Christian Conservatives willing to support a candidate (Newt Gingrich) who cheated twice, and married three times, and was actively cheating on his wife while beating up President Bill Clinton over his sexual relationship with then White House's intern Monica Lewinsky. The Conservatives on the right hated Mormonism so much that they are willing to tolerate adulatory and infidelity - or sexual sins.
First they supported a woman, Michele Bachman, but aren't so comfortable with her style. It is not surprising that to Evangelicals, women are not always favorable to hold higher positions to men. This is prevalent in the world of protestantism and for a while, women didn't hold offices in church and advocate a stay home women for Evangelical women. This doctrinal practice had been eased in the last 40 years since the human-right movements started and the rise of Feminist Activism worldwide. It may explain why Mrs. Bachmann's support - winning Iowa stawpoll - dropped when hardcore Evangelical governor of Texas, Gov. Perry entered the race. He had been sliding ever more and now in the lower four slots. Thus, the Christian Conservatives appeared to be having problems with women and Mormonism.
The new darling of the right-wing Conservatives - Mr. Gingrich - made the argument that he had prayed and asked to forgive him, but confession for the sake of political expediency is ungodly in many ways. True repentance should mean that Gingrich should stay out of politics if his repentance was was genuine; so far his re-entrance in to the world of politics shows just how religious manipulation and political strategy can be utilized for personal gains. If there is a word that is completely absent from Gingrich's vocabulary - its the world genuine. Mr. Gingrich's arrogance is evident wherever he goes, and all Christians know that Christ rejected this kinds of behavior when he was on earth.
Recently Gingrich made public statements that put frowns on many genuine conservatives' faces. For instance, he would be the GOP nominee despite the fact that his polls and two others - Romney and Cain's - were virtually tied based on the "margin-of-error". Many Conservatives called Gingrich's statement out of touch and prideful, and to his credit, Gingrich alter said he should not have said that or phrased it in a different way. He is now slipping on the polls because of many things he said including his personal attack on the Supreme Court and the relentless attack on his political history by many of his opponents. 
If all these unChrist like attributes defined the candidate that the Christian Conservative promised to support for 2012 president Election, what then can we call those who criticize those who support him?

You make your call!!

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