
Friday, December 2, 2011

Herman Cain is out the door!

I find this whole saga extremely disturbing for a number of reasons. First of all, Herman Cain has lost the confidence of his supporters, the GOP hard right – conservative voters. Conservatives see family as the foundation for their stand against Liberal agenda. It is conservatism the defines what a GOP candidate should be like and what the moral values of that candidate ought to be. Just recently, a woman came forward and accused candidate Herman Cain of a clandestine affair they had for more than a decade. But unlike other accusers who revealed secret meetings they had with Cain and his behavior, this accuser stood out as a genuine individual, and unlike other criticisms, Cain didn’t deny this accuser and maintained that he was just someone who he had helped over the years. I’ve also watched Cain on Fox Channel and just saw a desperate man who tried to sway criticism when they are directly aiming at him. In the end, the media he pointed to and his rivals will be winners and himself paying the price for his infidelity. He didn’t provide a reasonable answer why he had called his accuser early in the mornings for almost a hundred times. He said he was trying to help her, but everyone knows that a 5 am call is not business call – its booty-call! While it is not my job to judge a person I hardly known, it is important that the person who wants to lead America comes before the American people with clean hands. By this, it is simply impossible for voters who view their GOP candidate as not only a viable individual with credentials and who also possessed the abilities to run against President Obama, but someone of moral standings. That alone is reasons to quite, and I won’t be surprised if Cain chose to hang on in the GOP primary knowing he is slipping ever more rapidly in the GOP favorable ladder.

Secondly, the hype over Cain’s extramarital affairs just shows who owns the Media. The saddest truth is that the Media is the government’s biggest critic and the moment the government owns it and refuses to criticize everything the government does, the biggest loser in the end is the general public. Information is what drives society to success or utter failure. It is so-called “Information” that helps shape the perception of the public – especially on issues so dear to the average population.
A good example of this is how the media treated Clinton’s sexual affairs in the White House and how reporters sought to protect President Barrack Obama instead of questioning his controversial past. Over the cause of 10 years, reporters in the media had not even look at Obama and asked why his views are completely socialistic and anti-capitalistic, and whether she should have released his college record and essays like they did to George W. Bush. The so-called media aided a man who is now turning America upside down, dividing America along rich, class, and racial lines. The most divisive president to ever enter the White House. Maybe if the media had read his book which he made clear that his best friends in colleges were the “low-class, communist sympathizers” and yes if the media looked at Obama’s mentor in Hawaii who was also a sworn Communist poet and a man considered by the FBI as a threat, maybe we could have avoided the utter destruction of the best system in the world. I guess if the media had looked into the relationship between Obama and Bill Ayers – the man who headed a domestic terrorist gang that blew up police stations in NY in the past, and off course, had the Media took a closer look at Obama’s pastor’s sermons and why how Obama sat in this anti-

American church for 20 years, maybe the danger that Israel is facing today is no way near brinkmanship as it is now! These are the failures of the media that had been hijacked by the Left Wing Liberal Democrats.

It is obvious from the beginning that the only reason why Obama is doing well compared to Jimmy Carter is because the media loves him. They reported on angry protesters even though Obama’s new polls fell lower than before. They didn’t talk about Obama’s pledging US marines to Australia a move he arrogantly scolded Bush about when he was a senator back then. When Bush was caught cussing (not knowing he was being recorded) the media went absolutely bananas, yet when Obama and French Prime Minister caught saying all kinds of nasty things about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu, the media was talking about something else. And no one will forget all the rockets that rained down on Israel and all that the media was reporting was some criminals being caught robbing a convenient store.

If I was advising the GOP party, I would get rid of Cain and set up a strong media counter-attack station. It seems – from my observations – that the GOP is not smart when it comes to the media and the population. It is clear that Liberal Democrats determined the news of the day. The only right-wing radio and TV that offers counter arguments is FOX, but at times too afraid to offend “corporate sponsors”. It is up to the party to come up with a strong media strategy because Obama and his left-cohorts will unleash the Media smear and will do all they can to put Obama back in the White House. Their agenda now seemed to focus on toppling Cain because the last thing they needed is to have a black man running up against Obama, and secondly going after Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

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